Bad Moon Rising Pt. 2

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"Come on Jesse, let's do what we always do!" Jesse smiled at her,
"And what is it we always do?"
"We figure it out, together."
⚠️I feel that I should put a warning, Jesse and all of the other wolves do get out and there will be some scenes with blood, you have been warned⚠️

          I paced in my cell, Notch knows how hard I'm trying to hold it together. It's nearing moon rise, the guards have been rushing around in a panic, all of them have eyed me at least once, checking that I wasn't becoming a blood thirsty monster. I wished Petra was here, though I would take anyone who could reassure me. I put on this tough, confident girl facade when there are people around, but in reality I'm really just a scared little puppy. Rue would normally disturb my thoughts with a sarcastic comment, but she has been silent. I really don't blame her, she also has her facades. I'm so deep in thought I barely notice the clanging on my door, but unfortunately I do. I glance over, two guards squeeze through the door. In between them is Lukas. I tilt my head at them curiously. Lukas came to stand next to me, the guards standing firmly in the door. Lukas gave me a look; get rid of them. I looked at the guards, giving them my usual brilliant smile, only this time I elongated all of my canines so they were razor sharp.
           "We'll only be a minute fellas," I said coolly. The backed out of the cell, keeping their eyes on me the entire time. I shrunk my teeth back to their regular size.
           "Must you terrify the prison guards?" he asked, looking at me pointedly. I couldn't help but smirk,
          "It was the most efficient way to get them out of the room," I shrug, innocently. "Now why do I have the feeling you have something to tell me?"
           "Petra has a plan, we're getting out of here. Tonight." I looked at him, my eyes blown wide open.
           "TONIGHT?!? Lukas I don't have to tell you what happens tonight do I?" Do they have a death wish?
           "Exactly, while the guards are busy with you and the other wolves, we'll  get you, then sneak out!" He said, sounding pretty proud of the plan.
            "Your forgetting the part where I get ten times stronger and turn evil, how are you going to sneak out while dealing with me?" I ask, I really didn't want to hurt anyone.
             "Petra, Olivia, and Axel are working on that as we speak," he said. I sighed, I had to tell him.
             "Lukas promise me that if you can't get me for any reason, you'll save yourself and the rest of the Order." He looked at me as if I suggested we blow ourselves up.
            "Jesse, you know I can't promise that," he looked down.
            "Lukas..." I gave him my famous puppy dog eyes, no one can refuse the puppy dog eyes.
            "Fine, but I won't like it," he pouts, I laugh. Leaning over I give him a quick and friendly peck on the cheek.
             "Now go, before I go all blood moon on you." He nods and heads to the door, the guards take him by the arms and lead him back to his cell. Not a minute after a gigantic female guard enters my cell. Her face cast in shadows under her helmet, but she carried obsidian chains. She chained me to the wall, securing my wrists, ankles, torso, and throat. She even strapped a obsidian muzzle to my mouth. I didn't struggle, in fact I just went limp, I refused to hurt anyone, even if it meant being chained up like the animal I was.

Petra's POV;
          The moon was about to rise, so all the guards were stationed outside a wolf's cell. They were so deep in their blind panic, they didn't even notice that Petra had swiped the master key from a high ranking officer. She was sure the Order was ready for whatever comes their way. She waited till there were no more watchmen in the hall, she stealthily unlocked her door and slipped into the dark corridor. She quickly went all of her friends cells, first Axel, then Lukas, and finally Olivia. They regrouped in Olivia's cell, Petra looked at her,
"It's ready?" Olivia nodded, taking a purple potion out of her pocket.
"It's strong enough to knock out a ender dragon. If it doesn't make her sleep, it will at least make her easier to transport," Olivia said confidently. Petra examined the potion, I was a regular bottle with a cork on it.
"This is just a regular potion, we need a splash potion," Petra said.
"That's the catch, no one had any gunpowder. Someone will have to get it in Jesse's mouth," everyone looked at each other nervously, if the effect of the Blood Moon were as intense as the rumors, no one wanted to be in a hundred blocks of Jesse's powerful jaws. Petra pocketed the potion,
"I'll do it, I owe Jesse that much." They nodded at me. They stayed silent for a moment, Petra couldn't help but wonder if this was their last mission together. RIIINNNNNGGG... RRINNGGG... An alarm blared, footsteps echoed outside. Screams pierced the air, Petra straightened.
"Go, I'll meet you at the exit. Try to find us a fast getaway." They nodded, and ran out of the room. Petra drew her golden sword, she had raided the weapons room earlier, getting everyone their weapons and armor back. Petra raced towards Jesse's cell, and skidded to a stop in front of it, her mouth dropped open. The cell looked to be blasted open, blocks scattered everywhere. No sign of Jesse, or the guards for that matter. Petra sighed in frustration, how in hell was she going to find Jesse now?
"I may be able to help with that," a voice sounded in her head, it was different from Carmen.
"Is Carmen your familiar?" the voice asked.
"Y-yes I-I am, m-may I ask w-who's speaking?" The cowardly lioness stuttered out.
"I'm the familiar of the dumb-ass who broke this here wall open." Petra gasped, no way!
          "You're Rue! Jesse's familiar!" Petra whispered excitedly.
"The one and only!" the wolf said proudly.
           "But how did you get in my head?" Petra asked, genuinely confused.
"Listen, I saved up all my energy for this, I'll have to explain later. For now I'm going to have to be your helpful navigation." Petra nodded,
          "Alright which way?"
"Straight ahead." Petra ran forward, using her lion powers to make her even faster. Petra dashed past a pair of brown wolves who were wrestling over a kill. Petra avoided looking at the guard, but she could hear when the wolves bit into him, the bones would snap. Petra couldn't help but worry about her own life, especially when she got to super Jesse
"She can't kill you. Turn left! She'd be killing apart of herself if she did. Even evil Jesse isn't that stupid... most likely. Turn right!" Petra came to a screeching halt. A enormous black wolf was looming over to a whimpering guard. The poor guard's leg had a gash. The leg had been ripped down to the bone, Petra had no way to tell if Jesse did it or not.
"She didn't, she scared the other wolf off, see that mark on the guard's shoulder, that was her." Petra sighed, no major damage done by Jesse.
             "Jesse, stay away from the guard, and pick on someone your own size!" Petra yelled. Jesse turned, Petra immediately noticed the change. Jesse's pretty emerald green eyes had been replaced and were now blood red.
"Well that's unsettling," Carmen whimpered.
"Couldn't agree with you more." Petra kept her eyes on the jet black wolf, Jesse bared her teeth. Her normal pristine white teeth were now stained red with blood. Jesse lunged, tackling Petra to the floor. It took all of her strength to hold Jesse back.
            "I thought you said she wouldn't kill me!" Petra exclaimed, while trying to retrieve the potion from her pocket.
"No, I said I didn't think she was that stupid. Clearly I was wrong," Rue said helpfully. "Your going to need to distract her, even if it is for a second. Say something, anything to drag the real Jesse out." Petra had the potion in one hand, her other arm was straining to hold the wolf who was intent on sinking her fangs into Petra back.
             "Jesse! I know you can hear me," the wolf didn't let up on her attack. "Jesse please, it's Petra! Please come back to me, I can't do this without you, I think... I know I love you Jesse. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to realize." The wolf on top of her froze. Jesse's mouth hung open, her eyes flickered from red back to green. Without any hesitation Petra shoved the potion of sleep into Jesse's mouth.

Hey everyone, I got tagged. I was wondering if any of you had questions for me? Shoutouts of the day are @Jentheplayer, @baka_writes_things, @_WolfAngel_, @Aquahouse, @LoneLucario, @Huskypines, @Lukas505, @booklvr2002, @May845, @Lapis1324, @ellegardtherose, and @ Mandychan900! As always Comment and Vote!

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