The Second First Transformation

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         We ran out the front door and towards the clubhouse.
"Why do I have a sinking suspicion that you didn't get us out of prison legally," Olivia said. I smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Yeah, we have a lot to talk about."


          It's been two days since we broke our friends out of jail, severing the mind control the lions have on them. It's the day of the new moon, or in more practical terms, Petra's first shift into lion form. None of the wolves are quite sure on how this is going to go, they have never had a lion in their company before. Most are shooting hostile glances at Petra, which she returns just as fiercely. I really hope she'll be alright, I know how painful the first transformation can be.

Petra's POV;
Jesse was pacing in front of her, mumbling incoherent sentences to herself. Petra wondered what the problem was, for her it was just like any other day.
"Jesse if you keep pacing I will tie you to that Notch damned bed. Now tell me what your deal is," she said, only half kidding. Jesse looked up and gave her an apologetic and worried smile.
"Sorry Petra, but you'd be worried too if you knew what tonight was," Jesse said. Petra raised a skeptical eyebrow and motioned with her hand for Jesse to continue.
"Tonight's the New Moon! Petra it's your first transformation into your lion form! And your lion... guide hasn't surfaced!" Jesse fretted.
"Umm... what's a 'lion guide'?" She asked. Jesse rolled her eyes, something she did a lot now a days, but Petra had a feeling it had nothing to do with her.
"Every wolf and lion has one, they help you transform and keep you safe. Each have their own... unique personality," she said, before looking appalled by some unsaid thing.
"Watch your language Rue! I just said you had a unique personality! I was not thinking of a different word!" Jesse yelled defensively. Petra just stood dumbstruck.
"Umm... Jesse your not talking to Reuben are you?" Petra said as gently as possible, as if not to further disturb her friend. To her surprise Jesse burst out laughing.
"I wish! I was just talking to my foul mouthed wolf guide, Rue," Jesse smirked a little. "She is quite a handful." Before Petra could respond to this bewildering outburst, there was a loud knock on the base of the treehouse. Jesse gave her quick look before she headed down the trap door. Petra only caught snippets of the conversation.
"What do you want... I don't care... first shift... take care of her better then..." and finally, "good day Haki, Ladon." Petra's blood ran cold, her old captors had come back for her! "N-no we c-can't go back there," a timid whimper sounded in the room. Petra whirled around looking for the owner of the voice. "P-please don't do that, it's making me more n-nervous than I a-already am!" Another high pitched yelp sounded. "I-I'm C-C-Carmen, your lion guide" Petra's eyes widened to the size of saucers, lion guide. Carmen, as the lioness called herself, was a timid and stuttering mess, Petra couldn't believe out of all the possible personality types she just had to get the most pathetic one. "Y-your right I am p-pathetic, s-so sorry!" Carmen's voice shrank and Petra couldn't help but feel a little bad.
"No, I'm sorry Carmen, it's just that you are pretty much my exact opposite," Petra could feel the lioness retreat to the very corner of her mind in shame. "Not that being opposites are a bad thing! It's just... we'll have to get used to each other, that's all!" Petra said quickly to comfort the lioness. A excited gasp made Petra forget about Carmen and her eyes fell upon the petite ravenette. Her emerald eye were sparkling with excitement. "W-wow she's r-really pretty." Carmen muttered shyly. Petra felt the tips of her ears turn red, why? She had no idea.
"Your lion surfaced! Oh my Notch! And not a second to soon, you can actually survive the shift!" Jesse squealed happily.
"Wait did you say 'survive'?" Petra asked worriedly, she didn't particularly want to die today. Jesse blushed, embarrassed. "A-aw she's s-so cute!" Petra ignored the comment and waited expectantly for an answer.
"Well there's a chance, but it just got much slimmer now that you've connected with your lion! What's her name?" Jesse asked with her old happy smile on her face.
"Her name is Carmen, and wait there's still a chance where I could die?" Jesse poked her head out the window and looked up into the sky. She pulled her head back in and said,
"No time to explain, it's getting dark!" Jesse grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the treehouse. Once they hit the ground, they ran into the forest. Petra adjusted her grip, so she was clasping Jesse's hand, she almost missed the pink tint in Jesse's cheeks, almost.

They got to a clearing to find only Aura waiting for them. Jesse and Petra gave each other a confused look and turned to the Luna.
"I mean no disrespect Luna Aura, but where is the Alpha?" Jesse asked. Aura smiled gently,
"Lena is busy at the moment, so I came to fill in for her," they nodded. Aura and Jesse took a few steps backwards, giving Petra breathing room. The blacked out moon came over the horizon and Petra's heart started burning, along with all of her other internal organs. She collapsed to the ground, her body started to convulse. She heard a faint yelp behind her.
"Petra your lion will guide you, just command her to do so!" Aura yelled. "Carmen can you help me, UGH... it hurts!"


I watched Petra's spazzing body relax and waves of terror washed over me. I made a move to run forward, but Aura held me back and pointed to her lifeless body. A golden light enveloped her, making a cocoon. When the light died down a gingered colored lioness was in her place.
"Careful, she will be disoriented when she awakens." Aura advised. I watched the lioness stir, groggily opening her chocolate colored eyes. She stood up and shook herself, I slowly approached her, despite Aura's sound of warning. When Petra's eyes landed on me she snarled and backed up. The hair on her back was raised, her muscles tense, ready to pounce. I carefully sat down in front and began to speak to her gently.
"Petra it's me Jesse, you remember me right? We fought that Witherstorm together." The lioness tilted her head curiously at me, I took this as a sign to continue. "And we traveled the Portal Hall together with Lukas and Ivor. We fought the White Pumpkin, PAMA, and the Old Builders," recognition finally sparked in her eyes and a low rumble came from her throat. Her eyes widen and she glanced around wildly to see who made the noise, not wanting to acknowledge that it actually came from her. I giggled and stood up, slowly, just as a precaution. I motioned for her to follow me. I lead her to a babbling brook, she looked down at her expression in awe. I took the opportunity while she was distracted to shift into my wolf form, with surprisingly few complaints form Rue. In a flash of silver my black wolf with green eyes stood next to her ginger lioness with chocolate brown eyes. We spent the rest of the night playing in the clearing, racing each other, and fighting playfully.


What's up! Finally finished the chapter of the week, how do you guys like our new lioness, Carmen? She is definitely going to be an interesting character to write. And where was Selena, I kind of missed her. Next chapter will be more exciting, this chapter was more to make up for my lack of shipping moments. Stay tuned to find out more! Shoutouts to; @YinTheShadowSeeker, @Picklrs12, @ILOVESHIPPING23, and @Zoebella2006! Don't forget to Comment and Vote!
~Wolfe 🐺

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