Prison Break

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           "I have no idea what this is," Petra said examining the ring carefully. She completely missed the fear in Jesse's eyes.
     "I do," Jesse said quietly, "And it's anything but good."


I study Petra's gold ring, she has no idea what it is, but I do. And it's very, very bad. I pull out my silver crescent moon necklace from under my shirt and hold it up to her.
"Do you know what this is?" I ask her.
"Yeah, you said it was a gift from a fan," she said, relaying the lie I had told her. I gently shake my head at her.
"This is the totem of a Champion, I got it from my Alpha and Luna, where did you get yours?" I ask quietly. She looks at me curiously.
"I-I don't know exactly. Some psychopath named Pharaoh Aten knocked me out, then this is thing is on my hand," she replied, trying to tug the ring off. It wouldn't budge. "Pharaoh Aten?!? This may be more severe then I anticipated," Rue muttered nervously. Strange, my normal cocky and arrogant wolf is afraid. "I am not arrogant or cocky! And you would afraid too if you had a brain!" Yup, that's the Rue I know and occasionally want to hit upside the head. But Pharaoh Aten, I could've sworn I've heard that name before. "You thick headed dingbat! Of course you've heard that name before. He's the leader of the Sun Pride, AKA our mortal enemies! Geez, and I'm the less superior species," Rue yells. "And now you girlfriend is one of them! You really mucked this one up." I sighed, hiding the pink blush on my face from my 'girlfriend'. I stand up abruptly, startling Petra. I offer her my hand, she takes it. I pull her up, grabbing her wrist (I'm too much of a 'wuss' to hold her hand, thanks Rue, I absolutely love being called a wuss!) and drag her away from the waterfall.
"Where are we going, I'm fairly sure the clubhouse is in the other direction," she asks, leaning into me, wheezing. I flush lightly, putting my arm around her, strictly to hold her weight. "Keep telling yourself that, doofus!" Rue says cheerfully. I roll my eyes, Petra looks at my way curiously, but doesn't comment.
"We're going somewhere that might be able shed some light on your situation, better than I can," I tell her.
I lead her to the cliff face, she looks up at it.
"Jesse as much as I would like to climb that, I don't think I can make it," she rolls her eyes. I smirk at her, then walk over to a certain dirt block. Destroying it to reveal the hidden lever. Pulling it, I walk back over to Petra.
"After you," I gesture to the now open doorway. She looks at me suspiciously, but walks in. I lead her through twisting tunnels and passageways to the throne room. She gasps at the sight of it, drawing the attention of all the wolves. Petra leans on me but still has enough attitude to send an arched glare around the room. We walk up to the throne where Alpha Selena and Luna Aura stand. They look at my guest, surprised, but their eyes zero in on the golden ring on Petra's finger.
"We need to talk, in private," I ask loudly. Selena nods and the wolves disperse until we are alone in the great hall. Once everyone is gone I hold up Petra's hand for them to examine the ring.
"Please tell me this is not what I think it is," I say, though my voice devoid of hope.
"Unfortunately it is, we are in the presence of Aten's new Champion," Selena says grimly. Petra's eyes widen as she finally make the connections, her eyes spark with recognition.
"Your the people who came to the temple making Jesse leave in such a hurry," she realizes.
"Yes, and we are truly sorry we have to meet again in such circumstances," Aura says somberly. "And you! Jesse we have been worried sick about you. We had no idea where you had gotten off to!" I look down like a scolded child. I quickly explained how my week had went, from the others being put in jail and being unable to recall their crimes, to spending days on end looking for Petra.
"You left them in jail! Jesse what the hell were you thinking?" Petra scowled at me, obviously missing the part about how I was searching for her.
"Yeah, I was to busy looking for you!" She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms disapprovingly.
"Actually I must agree with the lioness, your friends were possessed by Aten to do his bidding and distract you from Petra," Selena said. "They are only human after all, their minds are much easier to manipulate than a wolf or lion. But if you can get them out of that prison, I should be able to break the enchantment permanently." I sighed, why did I have a feeling this wasn't going to be easy. Selena suddenly turned her head sharply towards the looming doors.
"No need to hide little siren, come in. You have already heard most of our conversation anyway," Selena says, slightly exhausted, like this happens all the time. A dark skinned girl with deep green eyes walked in shamefully. The thing that really stood out was her ombré electric blue and purple hair and bright pink lips.

           "Lyric what have we talked about, if you wish to know something ask, don't spy," Selena said as if she had said it a million times

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"Lyric what have we talked about, if you wish to know something ask, don't spy," Selena said as if she had said it a million times.
"I'm sorry Alpha, but I was just so curious! I couldn't contain myself," Lyric says sheepishly.  Selena massaged her temples,
           "If your so curious then maybe you would like to join the Champions on their mission to release their friends from jail. I have a feeling that your talent may help them." Lyric squealed excitedly, and nodded her head vigorously and walked over to us. She threw her arms around me, I stumbled back surprised. She let go of me and looked over at Petra,
         "Don't even think about hugging me!" she said menacingly. Lyric hid behind me as I threw Petra a look, play nice. She rolled her eyes but her expression softened.
        "Return with the humans, and do me a favor and don't do anything too illegal."
        We walked back into Beacon Town, towards the prison. Lyric chatting brightly the entire walk. I snickered at Petra's annoyed expression. She honestly looked like she wanted to murder the poor overly excited girl. Before we went inside the jail, I stopped the two other girls.
        "Just let me do the talking, okay," I said, looking over at Petra meaningfully. She smirked, remembering the similar thing she had said to me. I sauntered up to the desk where a police officer sat, he looked up lazily.
          "State your name and your business being here," he said dully.
          "I'm Jesse, this is Petra and Lyric, we're here to pay the bail for Lukas, Olivia, and Axel. The members of the Order of the Stone who attempted to rob a bank." He looked through a file cabinet and pulled out a folder. He shifted through it so slowly, I began to take my foot in impatience. After a while he said
          "Unfortunately there is no bail being held for these prisoners." Petra stepped forward angrily,
           "And why the hell not? All they did was try to rob a god damned bank!" Petra began to argue with the guard, I stepped back towards Lyric.
           "Got any ideas?" I asked her, not really expecting her to have any.
           "Just one, I was really hoping not to do this," she walked up to the desk and gently pushed Petra out of the way, infuriating the ginger more. I held her back and listened to Lyric. She was singing! The police officer began to sway as he listened eyelids drooping, until he went unconscious, head thumping on the desk. Lyric turned around to grin at us, we looked at her shocked.
          "So that's your talent!" I manage to finally gasp. She giggled,
          "You guys are so funny! Come on let's go get your friends!" I stepped behind the desk and rummaged through the drawers, pulling out a key ring. We rushed down the lines of cells, Lyric singing any guards we came across to sleep. We finally got to the jailed members cell. They looked even more miserable then the first time I saw them in here.
          "Hey, you really should smile, I mean you do have a rescue party coming to save the day again," I said in my usual cheery tone. They looked both stunned and delighted to see us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lyric gazing longingly at Lukas, her cheeks tinted red. I rolled my eyes, is that how I looked every time I was with Petra. Note to self stop doing that. I unlocked the cell and ushered them out quickly. We ran out the front door and towards the clubhouse.
        "Why do I have a sinking suspicion that you didn't get us out of prison legally," Olivia said. I smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.
        "Yeah, we have a lot to talk about."


New part done! The gang is finally back together again. And what do you guys think about Lyric and Lukas, is that a go, no go relationship? You guys vote in the comments. Shoutouts to; @FOXYELPIRATAMLG, @KittyPurpur, @Brianna_Nicole_101, @YangTheWarrior, @meltingroses, and @KawaiiMinecraftGal. Don't forget to Comment and Vote!

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