The Transformation Part. 1

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        She stumbles into a clearing, only to find a raven haired girl in overalls unconscious in the clearing.
      "Jesse? Jesse!" she runs over to the unconscious girl and starts shaking her. "Come on Jesse wake up, please! Guys over here! I've found her!"


Petra's POV:
         Axel, Olivia, and Lukas all ran from their own respective directions, and knelt beside Jesse. Petra was becoming increasingly more worried about the girl. Petra couldn't help but feel guilty about not stopping the ravenette when she first saw her. Her eyes burned, for a unknown reason. Was she about to cry? Petra had never cried about anything in her life, even when her parents left her at that orphanage, especially not then. So why was Jesse always the exception?
       "She's breathing," Lukas said, pressing two fingers to her neck, taking her pulse. Petra calmed slightly, Jesse was strong, she could survive anything.


        Ugh... my head hurts. I groaned, peeling my eyes open. I was in my room, or rather, my old room in the Order's Temple. How did I get here? Memories flood back from last night.
Selena and Aura led me out of the throne room and out to the top of the shrine. The moon was directly over head, Selena smiled,
        "Perfect timing!" I looked at her, confused. But she just held up her hand, to stop my questions. Selena gestured for me to follow her. She positioned me the way she wanted, then backed away, and started chanting,
       "Com Ghur Pcotsg Wif Ghur Nwiwim
        Co Xrypp Vwijgh Ghur Dwipv Rymw   Wjrytwim
       Ryh Ryplsry, Co Evhur Naz Lwidurj."
      Later I found out that meant; In the light of the moon, I call forth the wolf and dragon, As alpha, I use my power. She kept chanting that over and over. All around me was a faint silver glow. After every unintelligible word, the silver glow got more intense, until it was blinding. My senses were overloaded, I was beginning to black out. The last thing I remember was seeing a wolf with raven black fur and emerald green eyes leaping at me.


      "Oh my Notch! Your awake!" A familiar voice yelled. I rescanned the room and saw my favorite person ever sitting at my desk, looking sleep deprived, I may add. Petra casually walked to my bedside, acting all cool, but I had learned to see past her little charade. Her eyes were sparkling with relief, even if her face remained blank.
       "Ow... Can you please be a little bit quieter. I feel like I've been run over by a herd of llamas," she snickered at my ridiculous, but accurate, description. She looked me over, a chill ran through my body. Her eyes landed on my neck and she narrowed her eyes.
       "Where did you get that?" Petra asked, sounding suspicious.
       "What?" I responded cluelessly. I really had no idea what she was talking about.
        "That, the necklace. I'm sure you didn't have it before," She gestured to it. I felt my cheeks heat up, she must pay, at least a little bit of attention to me if she notices such a small thing like that. I take the necklace in my hands and stare at it. It was a silver crescent moon attached to a matching chain. The inside of the moon was lined with little white diamonds. A star with a diamond in the middle was attached to the top of the moon.

 A star with a diamond in the middle was attached to the top of the moon

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      It was amazing, and... really hard to explain.
       "Umm... this? Oh, it's nothing, just something a fan gave me yesterday," I say waving the question away. The ginger raised an eyebrow at me, but didn't question it further. She pulled up a chair and sat with her legs wrapped around the back.
       "Speaking of yesterday, where the hell did you go? I thought Herobrine possessed you or something, running into the woods," her voice seemed strangled, weird. Maybe she had a bad day? I formulated my story in my head,
      "Well after the gang decided I wasn't a good leader, I ran into the woods, to blow off some steam. I was fighting a ton of monsters and once I killed them all, something hit the back of my head. So hard in fact, I passed out," that was a believable story, I could've been in the old Order, because I was such a good liar. Petra scrutinized my face, trying to find any hint of me being dishonest. I kept my face blank and innocent, you could almost see the halo above my head. Finally she let out a sign,
      "Alright, fine. But seriously Jesse, you would tell me if something was going on, right?" she awkwardly scratched the back of her neck, like asking the question made her feel vulnerable. Her words made me guilty, but I couldn't let my guilt expose the entire pack, which now includes me.
     "Yes, totally. Your my best friend, Petra. If anything was up, I would tell you," I smiled gently at her, karma was so going to get me back for this.
        There was a quiet knock on the door, Olivia poked her head in. I immediately stiffened, and tried to keep from sneering. I don't really know how well that worked.
      "Your awake!" she smiled excitedly and entered the room. Umm... Say WHAT? Since when was she nice to me?
      "Finally!" Axel yelled from down the hall. He and Lukas entered the room, pushing each other to get in first. Like old times? No, your not getting off that easily, people don't change in a day. I glared at them, they shrunk back slightly.
      "What are you doing here?" I growled, I'm not in the mood to take another verbal beating. Olivia shuffled forward and looked everywhere but my eyes.
      "We came to apologize, our behavior was unacceptable, and completely out of context," she looked at the floor guiltily. "And if you like we can reinstate you as leader," she finally met my eyes. I almost couldn't hold back my laughter. I have other responsibilities now, one of them could go play leader for all I care.
        "I'm sorry but I personally think you should stick to your guns, you know. You guys obviously didn't want me to be leader, don't change that on account of me getting hurt," I said snappily. They all looked shocked. Petra gave me the, your such a proud idiot, look. I shrugged at her.
     "A-Are you s-s-sure?" Lukas stuttered, like my response hit him hard. He looked slightly terrified.
      "Yeah man, you have got to be kidding!" Axel added. I just gave them a serious look.
      "Nope, you all wanted a democracy, well then a democracy you shall have," I got up off the bed, and strutted out of the room, ignoring the splitting pain in my head.


        It had been two weeks since I joined the pack. Two weeks since I had refused leadership of the Order. I was really just waiting for the full moon, so I could transform and gain my full powers. Right now I just felt betwixed and between. Like in a limbo, that I was desperately trying to escape.
"Well if you really feel that way, then it's a good thing the full moon apexes tonight," an unknown voice said quietly. I whipped around looking for the voice's owner. Nothing, just the apple orchard that the Order was harvesting for the town. My eyes widened,
       "Who's there?" I said, started.
"Oh, they forgot to tell you. Well that's helpful," the voice said sarcastically. "Well first my name is Rue, I will be your personal wolf until... well you die." Okay this is bizarre.
       "You realize I can hear your thoughts, I mean, I am in your head," Rue said. "But for a new-turned it must be." I tried to resume picking apples, and trying not to look like I'm freaking out.
     "Well if your my personal wolf, than does that mean I'm beginning to get my powers?" I mutter.
      "Hey Jesse, are you alright over there?" Lukas called out. I stiffened, I could hear Rue sniggering in my head.
      "Yep I'm totally fine," I yelled back to him.
       "You know since I can hear your thoughts you can just think of what you want to say," Rue laughed. Yes thank you, I know that now. I roll my eyes.

      Finally we had finished harvesting apples, mine were fairly bruised. I had dropped them so many times while conversing with Rue. As we reached the Temple, two women stood out front. One had long silver hair and purple eyes the other had long golden hair and toffee eyes. They smiled at us as we approached, but still had the cautious look. Alpha Selena and Luna Aura were here, okay did I screw anything up?
"Not that I know of, but you are just a human still," Rue commented helpfully in my head. I rolled my eyes but kept silent.
     "Ah... finally Jesse! We need you to come with us."

Part one is finally done! Sorry it isn't that exciting, it was more just to build up for Part 2. I'm going to Spain next week, and I'm not bringing my phone. So I will have two makeup chapters after this one up for the two weeks I'm gone. Thanks so much for your patience. Comment and Vote!

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