Chapter Twenty-One

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Alpha Ryan's P.O.V.

(The night of the attack)

"The Crimson Moon Pack has been causing alot of trouble these days son. What do you think we do with them?" My father asked leaning back in his office chair drinking a glass of scotch.

"I say we attack them before they attack us. We should attack tomorrow morning. Use the element of surprise." I smirked at him.

"I think that's a fantastic idea son." My father chuckled. We hit glasses and continued drinking.

I'm future Alpha Ryan and I am 19 years of age. The Crimson Moon Pack is my packs biggest competition. Well, the Royals used to be until we took their future queen Allison Winston.

She is now known to our pack as Daya Grace, the daughter of Charlie and John Grace. No one really knows where she came from except I, my father, his beta, and the beta-female.

When she shifted at five years old alot of questions were rasied that we were not welling to answer, so we told everyone she was a runt and that she belonged with the Omega's. After her first shift we gave her doses of silver so that her wolf wouldn't be able to contact her real parents. She turned into our personal slave.

We hate the Royals. They think they are all high and mighty. Just because the Moon Goddess say that they are above all of the werewolf race doesn't mean that we have to follow their every command.

They killed my mother for 'disrepecting' them. That's why my father decided to kidnap one of their own. He was just going to kill her but decided it would better to make her suffer how he is suffering with out his mate.

I always hoped that Daya would be my mate. She is truly beautiful. I made many, many mistakes but the number one mistake I made was forcing myself on her. When I turned 18 I was upset that I couldnt find my mate and she wasn't it.

"What are yo-" My father started but was cut off by a loud howel that shook the house.

A howel for war.

My eyes widened and I immediately looked at my father. My father held the same expression as me. One of shock and fear.

"Go get the girl!" He yelled referring to Daya. I followed his order running out of the office.

Before I could even reach the stairs a wolf jumped out at me baring it's teeth. I charged towards it and wrapped my arms around its neck. The wolf struggled bitting my arm in the process. But before it can do any more harm I snapped it's neck.

I rushed down the stairs to see my pack members laying there in a pool of blood. Fuck.

I rushed to the basement swinging to door open but she wasn't there. I ran to the back yard seeing a whole battle going down. Then I saw her. Running through the maze of people fighting with her signature bag on her back.

I tried following her but I had to fight for my pack. I spotted my father's wolf fighting against two others and his head snapped towards mine.

Go. Save yourself. My father spook to me through the mind link.

No. I will stay here and fight for our pack. I refused.

I said go! The war is already won. Please leave. Please. I love you son. Tell your aunt I love her as well. Leave. My father begged me.

I will dad. I love you too. I croaked through the mind link, my with my eyes watering.

I ran the opposite way from the fighting, but before leaving I looked back to where my father was. And there he lay, lifeless, I could see the life draining out of his face. I pushed my self to keep moving and ran towards the woods.

I kept running and running till my legs gave out. I finally stopped at a small lake. I walked to it squatting down to wash off my face and drink some of the water.

My dad is dead. My pack is destroyed and I let the future queen get away  and the only person to blame for this is Alpha Kaden. I will make him pay and get my love back. My Daya.

I laid down on the cool grass resting before my next run. My plan is to go to the neighbouring pack, which is my where my uncle Devine and aunt Rachael is. My father's sister is the Luna of the pack and I'm sure she would help me avenge my father's death.

Standing up I continued on to the path of Alpha Devine territory. Moments later his warriors surrounded me.

"I am Alpha Ryan, nephew of your Alpha and Luan. Take me to them." I spoke with authority. They all bowed and started walking away with me behind them.

When we reached the pack house I saw Alpha Devine on the front porch, along with my aunt Rachael. When they saw me worried expressions stretched across their face.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" Rachael marveled, coming towards me and engulfing me in a hug. That's when I broke down.

Falling to my knees with my aunt still holding me, I sobbed into her and bawled my eyes out. The only time i cried like this is on the death of my mother and that was many years ago. I felt a hand on my shoulder and recognized it as my uncle's.

"Ryan, tell us what's wrong." Devine spoke. I stopped crying to tell them what happened.

"They are dead. They are all dead. My father and the whole back are gone." I wailed to them.

"Issac?" My aunt's voice trembled. I nodded my head and she let out a pained cry holding on to me tighter.

"Who did this?" Devine roared.

"Crimson Moon." I spoke finished with crying. I stood up with my aunt in my hands. My uncle was pacing back and forward with his  hands in his hair.

He walked to us and took a crying Rachael in his hands. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"They will pay."


(1090 words)

I will update again Sunday or Monday or earlier...

I hope you all like it😆 I write as I go so sorry if the updates take long.
(Not Edited At All)

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