Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(Obviously the safe house won't have any windows😂)

Daya's P.O.V.

"Alpha, they have arrived. Let's go kick some ass."

I looked over at James and his eyes softened when he saw dried tears on my face. I sent him a small smile assuring him I'm okay and climbed off of Kaden. James then closed the door telling us to come on.

Kaden let out a deep sigh before getting up from the bed. I crawled to the edge of the bed where Kaden stood and kissed one last time before we enter the world of war.

"Go to the safe house." Kaden told me after breaking apart from the kiss.

I looked at him in shock and confusion. Did he not see how fast I can kill someone? As if reading my mind Kaden spoke again.

"You don't know how to control it yet, love. Please, I don't want you to get hurt." He spoke softly moving some of my hair out of my face.

I leaned into his touch not wanting to leave him. I know he is telling me this to protect me but I want to help protect him.

"I can try to control it Kaden. You know what I can do. Why not use it as an advantage?" I asked still wanting to help out.

"Daya, no. Your brother has the element of fire and he offered his help. Your mother and father wanted to but they can't risk it." He said firmly, grabbing my hands in his and leading me out of the room.

"Risk what?" I questioned, walking down the stairs with my hand in Kaden's.

"The kingdom. You are not yet ready to rule the werewolf world and Thomas is not eighteen yet. So if they pass then the Rebels will take advantage of that and take the crown." He informed me. I nodded and continued walking.

He reached downstairs and he took into a secret door in the dinning room. We could hear marching coming from outside letting us know they are close and that it's time to say goodbye.

"Just follow the path all the way down. It would lead you to the safe house that is located on the far side of the pack house underground. The only access to it is here and outside there is a shack like house where you could enter too, but you have to know the code in order to get inside of the actual safe house. The code is 060856. It's my time to go Daya. I love you." He said kissing my head and letting go of my hand.

"I love you too." I called out as he exited.

I did as he said walking down the small stair case and into a tunnel like hallway. There were torches along the walls that helped me to see. The walk seemed to be about five to ten minutes long. But once I reached the steel cold door I put in the code Kaden gave me.

Shit. I forgot I still had on nothing but Kaden's shirt and a pair of briefs. Oh well.

I pushed at the door and I am met with a huge group of people. Young, old, men, women. I then spotted my mother, father, Bella, Chole and Emma.


I ran over to her and engulfed her in a hug. I could feel a tear run down my face at the thought of her being gone. Her arms reached around me and returned the hug. I pulled back and looked at her. He big green eyes held their usual happiness, but a hint of worry from the war going on outside.

"I'm so sorry Emma." I whispered to her, reaching up and wipping my tear away.

"It wasn't your fault Day." She smiled up at me. I nodded my head and returned her smile before looking around me.

This place is humorous. It's like a regular house. There is even an upstairs. There is a living room, kitchen, dinning room and some bedrooms on the first floor and I'm guessing the second floor is where most of the bed rooms are.

"Well, hi to you too." Chole exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips and snapping me out of my thoughts. I laughed at her and hugged her to me.

"Hey Chole." I said smiling at her. I turned to my mother, father and Bella smiling.

"Hi mom, dad, Bella." I greeted them with a small smile and wave.

My eyes widened at what I just called them. Mom and dad. I haven't said those two words in a long time. They have shown more love and care to me then the people I thought who were my parents ever had. I meant it when I called them that.

I could see tears form in the corners of my mother's eyes as she held clung to my smiling fathers arm. She pulled away from him and captured me into a hug wrapping her hands around my back.

"I'm sorry we weren't there for you Daya. We love you so much." She whispered to me.

My father walked up to us and wrapped his arm around both of us, kissing the top of my head. I held back my tears and moved away a little to look at them.

"I-" I started but was soon stopped by a pain erupting in my stomach. I crouch down and squeeze my eyes shut. Something isn't right.

Mate. My wolf growl.

Something is happening to Kaden. I have to go to him.

Everyone around me is asking what's wrong and am I okay but I can't find myself to answer their questions.

I stood straight and looked around me for the exit. I found it and ran as quickly as I can to the door. I could hear people calling out to me but I kept running. I slung the door open and shut it. I ran through the tunnel until I got to the small stair case.

I tugged at the door slowly to make sure not to cause any attention to where the safe house is located. Once making it out I rushed to the front yard and took in my surroundings. I couldn't tell who were winning, only that my mate is on the ground with a big wolf above him.

The wolf had it's claws in Kaden's chest and his teeth clamped on his neck. I looked at the blood stained grass and I began to panic.

"Get off of him!" I yelled at the wolf.

It's head snapped towards me and let Kaden's neck go from his mouth, but he still couldn't get up, he looked weak. The wolf shifted into a unfamiliar man. He looked at me and smirked, leg resting on top of Kaden's chest.

"Look at what we have here. Queen Daya." He grinned at me with blood stained teeth. I grimaced at him.

"Let him go!" I screamed pointing my hands towards him sending the man flying to a near by tree. I ran to Kaden and put his head in my lap.

"Take me to Bella, she can heal me faster." He softly said chocking slightly on some of his own blood.

I nodded my head before channeling my power to left him up without having to physically carry him. I hurriedly pushed him with me to the shack and placed him inside before calling out to Bella. Once I heard foot steps I ran out of the shack and back to the battle ground.

It's time to end this, once and for all.



(1325 Words)

The next update will be on Friday or Saturday or later if something comes up.

I hope you all like it😆 I write as I go so sorry if the updates take long.

(Not Edited At All)

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