A/N (Part of Next Chapter)

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I'm sooo sorry. I know no one likes author's notes. Trust me I don't.

I just came back from a week long vacation and some how managed to get sick. So this might affect my updating.

I will try to put out at least two or three chapters this week. But for now here is a taste of the next chapter. 


Daya's P.O.V.

I'm standing in the middle of no where. It's dark and all around me is tall trees. The wind is blowing through the air and I can feel that something is wrong.

I can hear faint yells and cries coming from the path in front of me. Being the idiot I am, I follow it. The leaves are crunching under my bare feet and I'm coming closer and closer to the noise.

Once I reach the source of the sounds I pause and take in the scene. I'm now standing in front of a huge castle. People are running around screaming out orders and I can hear painful cries.

It seems like I'm in a movie. No one can see or hear me, they are just all running past and through me. I walk deeper into the scene and to the steps of the castle.

There is a women and a man kneeling on the steps. The man is holding the sobbing women in his arms rocking her back and foward, I can see tears streaming from the man's eyes. I can almost feel their pain.

I hear the women spitting out words through her sobbs and I strained my ears to decipher what she is saying.

'My baby, Allison.'

I gasped at hearing my birth name. The pain in their eyes is heart breaking. They are talking about me.

I think I'm witnessing my own abduction.


Don't forget to vote and comment if you want more.

Chapter twenty-seven should be up soon, probably tomorrow or Wesnday.

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