Chapter Eight

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Kaden's P.O.V.

*After Daya ran off*

How could she leave us.

I was in a meeting in Kimg Ezra's office when I felt my wolf growling. I can feel the panic and anger inside of him and his feelings easily transferred to me.

'What the hell is wrong with you?' I asked annoyed that he is disturbing an important meeting about when and wear we will search for my sister and attack the Rebel King and his army.

'Daya is leaving. Her wolf told me that they are going to keep our pup safe, but I begged her to stay and convince Daya to not go....It didn't work.' My wolf spoke causing me to quickly run out of the room and try to stop my love.

'Get back to the safe house!' I demanded through our mindlink.

'I have to find her. This is all my fault. I love you, but I have to do this.' Her soft voice said before the link was gone.

Anger shook my body at the thought that awful man putting his hands on her and my sister. My anger has already been out of control when I found out 'The Rebel King' has my sister. Now he has my fucking mate!

My chest started to rise up and down frantically and my claws extended. I am currently standing frozen in the foyer knowing that she has already gone and hidden her scent. People are causionly coming towards me and saying words that are not clear to my ears right now. Someone touched my shoulder and I lost it.

I roared shaking the whole castle. I punched my hand through the wall next to me to keep from hurting someone. I countinued to punch the over and over again until there was no wall left. The men who were trying to control me are down the hall staring at me and making sure no one came in.

I flipped over the small table with flowers on it and smashed the table against the wall.

"Daddy!" A little voice cried snapping me out of my rage. I stopped moving and slid down the wall that was still there. I put my hands on my head and took deep breaths. Little fight started towards me and I knew it was Malik.

"Daddy, you bleeding." He said and touched my wounded hands lightly, afraid that he would hurt me more. When I finally felt like I can get a hold on my self I looked up at his small face that had tear streaks on them.

"I'm okay." I told him and picked him up. Everyday Malik has become more and more like a son to me and I love him like he is mine. I walked over the glass and broken wall pieces as Malik held tightly on to my neck.

"Mommy is going to be okay. She promised she come back." Malik said and laid his head on my chest. I let out a sigh and tried to hold in my emotions as best as I could. My sister is everything to me and I can feel the pain they are putting her througha and I can only imagine what James feels. And now they have my mate.

I walked with Malik up stairs where Aiden was taking a nap. When Daya left he would not stop crying so Emma took him up to Daya and I room and rocked him to sleep, thankfully.

Once we reached the room door Destiny was coming out of hers. Her eyes were slightly red so I knew she was crying. She cleared her throat and put on a grin that didn't quite meet her eyes.

"Kaden." She greeted me with a knowing expression while looking down at my hand that was around Malik.

"Malik, let's go get something to eat. I'll grab Aiden too, I'm sure he is up now. You need to get some rest Kaden." She spoke to Malik softly then said sternly to me not taking no as an answer from either of us. I have known Destiny all my life and she is like a sister to me so I listen to her. I sat Malik down and opened the room door and Aiden was indeed awake and playing with one of his bears.

"Come one Aiden and Malik, let's go eat." Destiny said and they were all out the door.

I let out a long breath and lazily fell on the bed.

'Please be okay, love.' I whispered into our mindlink and closed my eyes, but was once again interrupted.

'Your sister is here Alpha'


Daya bent over and placed her hand on her stomach still trying to hold up Aiden.

"Daya!" I yelled out not knowing what to do or what is happening. The others rushed over to us and before she could fall I caught her and Noah grabbed Aiden and Emma grabbed Malik.

I held my unconscious mate in my arms and looked at her pained face.

"Call the pack doctor!" I barked out caried her over to the couch. Even though she is unconscious she is still shaking in pain.

"Shhh, listen to me love, calm down. Don't leave me. Don't leave us." I whispered down to her and held her head to my chest. Her body is burning up but I don't care, I have to be closer to my mate.

The pack doctor and a few nurses rushed towards where Daya and I sat. I quickly laid her down and backed away, so that the doctor can help her.

Everyone is now gathered in the living room forming a large circle around the doctors and Daya.

"What happened?" King Ezra asked me as he rushed into the room with the rest of the royal family behind him.

"I don't know." I whimpered as I looked at my hurting mate.

The doctor gave her a shot of something that instantly claimed her down and her face no longer showed pain.

"What happened to her? Is she going to be okay? Is the baby okay?" I asked as soon as I saw that Daya was, from what I see, okay.

The doctor looked down and placed his ear on her stomach to get a closer look.

"I can't find it's heart beat..."

Then all hell broke out.



(1118 Words)


It has been so hard to update due to school, so I'm sorry for the late updates.

I will try to squeeze another chapter out next week.❤

~Carrelle W.

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