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Suga POV

I can't believe it! Amber is my makeup artist?! After all these years, I never thought I would ever see her again! All I could do was stare at her. When she did my makeup and her soft hand brushed my cheek, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Do I still have feelings for her??? I'm happy with Lilly and she seems happy with me...but why do I feel like something's missing?

Amber POV

I woke up to yet another day of being Suga's makeup artist. Today is Friday and tomorrow's the weekend and I don't have anything scheduled then! BTS and I are gonna hang out again and I'll bring Kumamon. The poor puppy has been cooped up in my dorm for such a long time... I got changed quickly and said goodbye to Kumamon. Another busy day...

When I got downstairs to the studio, Suga was already there, along with all the other members. How do they get here so fast?! It's early in the morning! Meh, it's probably just me being a lazy potato... Anyway, I got my palette and all my other makeup tools out. Since I'm a little early, I might as well set up. Lilly is nowhere to be seen. Sheesh, such a horrible girlfriend, she never goes to support her boyfriend. My heart sank a little at the thought of the couple. Wait...I don't still have feelings for him! Why am I feeling like this? I waited, watching Jungkook and V sword fighting with two clothes hangers. Hm, after all these years, they're still the same... -_- The boys walked over to their makeup artists. I need to get this over with as quickly as possible... In the end, I actually did a really good job...but it was hard because Suga wouldn't take his eyes off me the whole time. When I was done, I headed towards my dorm.

I was about to unlock my door when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was...Lilly. Oh boy...

"Hey Amber!" She said cheerfully...a bit too cheerfully.

"Um...hi Lilly?"

"I just wanted to apologize for the way I treated you back in school. I'm really sorry and I know that was really selfish of me... But in the end, I guess I was right about Suga loving me. But anyways, no hard feelings, right?" She smiled. Wait she was...apologizing? But she didn't have to mention the part about Suga loving her...

"It's okay. I forgive you," I replied.

"Thank you so much! We're friends now!" ok...? "I want to introduce you to some of my other friends. They are at a karaoke place not far from here! Come on!" And with that Lilly dragged me along with her.

Time skip~

There weren't many people at the karaoke place because it was in the middle of the day. She led me to one of the rooms in the back. There were a couple girls and guys in there. 

"Oh my gosh!" One of the girls laughed. "Is that the bitch you were talking about?"

"I'll take her if she's still single..." one of the guys smirked. 

"She's even uglier than I thought!" Another girl sneered. Taunting laughter filled the room. What's going on here?!

"So what are we gonna do with her?" Some guy spoke up. 

"Hurt her," Lilly grinned. I tried to leave but one of the guys blocked the door. They all closed in.

"Amber, you must be really stupid for believing what I said earlier. Because I will NEVER forgive you for trying to steal Suga from me." The group laughed as they punched, elbowed, kicked, and slapped me. 

Lies. Betrayal. Blood. Fear. Pain. Tears, tears, tears.

Time skip~

They finally grew bored of me and left. I staggered all the way to my room. Their laughter still echoed in my ears. I will never forget the way they laughed. I can't trust Lilly. I won't fall for her tricks again. My body was so overwhelmed with pain. I'm sure I looked like a bloody mess because everyone stared at me as I walked down the street to Bighit facilities. I was walking down the hall to my dorm when someone called my name. I turned around and saw BTS's shocked expressions before I fainted. 

The laughter never left my ears.

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