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jimin knew this was wrong. taehyung did too.

they weren't supposed to be in a hotel room with taehyung hovering over jimin, the black haired male whiny and needy under the younger's touch; bucking his hips up and begging taehyung to touch him. they weren't supposed to be in a heated makeout session with each other, tearing clothes off of each other as if it's the right thing to do.

they were supposed to be in their respective homes with their partners, not screwing each other.

but that's exactly what they were doing and had no intentions on stopping.

"tae," jimin panted, his chest rising and falling as he looked up at the brunette above him, his eyes clouded with lust. "fuck me. fuck me...so hard i can't walk."

"but yoongi, darling..." taehyung left hot, open-mouthed kisses along jimin's jawline, sucking on his sweet spot and causing the older to go wild.

"i'll play it off as a hurt ankle," jimin whimpered, the small yet highly effective sound going straight to taehyung's dick. "please. i'm so desperate taehyung, i need you."

taehyung peered at jimin through his sweaty bangs, a slight smirk on his lips as he spreads jimin's legs open with one hand, using the other to slowly pump him. "careful what you ask for."

"oh-fuck!" jimin screamed, his back arching off the bed, a loud moan escaping his plump, swollen lips as taehyung thrusted ruthlessly into him."o-oh my go-god, t-taehyung."

"sh-shit, jimin," taehyung groaned, picking up his pace. jimin grabbed onto the, once, clean sheets and wrapped his legs around taehyung's waist, pulling him closer. the bed began to squeak, and really, it sounded so satisfying to jimin.

"tae, i-i'm getting c-close," jimin warned, holding onto taehyung's shoulders, being careful not scratch the younger, no matter how tempting it is.

"me too, baby." taehyung moaned loudly, snapping his hips into jimin one last time as the smaller boy came, his back arching off the bed and his, as well taehyung's chest, was painted white. taehyung dropped his head into jimin's neck, riding out the rest of his high.

"you're a god, kim taehyung." jimin sleepily mumbles, whining at the sensitivity as taehyung slowly pulled out, his cum running down the back of jimin's thighs.

"go to sleep, beautiful." taehyung kissed jimin's cheek, wrapping an arm around him and falling asleep with the older cuddled into his chest.

i was going to rewrite this,, considering the smut is so sloppy and rushed but i wanted to start this and i have no ideas for smut atm. the future smut in this will 100% be better, promise

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