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jimin woke up a few hours later with yoongi's arms wrapped around his waist, the older sleeping peacefully under him. the black haired boy sat up, smiling softly down at yoongi, tracing the older's facial features with his index finger.

yoongi smiled sleepily at the feeling, opening one eye. "hey there."

"good morning." jimin giggled, resisting the urge to lean down and kiss him. he felt yoongi's hands slide around his waist, jimin's skin burning wherever the other had accidentally touched.

"did you sleep well?" yoongi asked, letting jimin climb off of him so he could sit up, facing jimin. the younger nodded, setting his chin on the palm of his hand, digging his fingers into his chubby cheeks.

"i did. did you?" jimin asked, gently running his fingers through yoongi's soft and messy bangs.

"best sleep i've had the entire month we've been away from each other." yoongi laughs humorlessly, grabbing jimin's hand and tracing shapes onto his palm with the tip of his index finger.

"i'm sorry." jimin pouts.

yoongi gave jimin a stern look, his puffy eyes hard. "jimin, what did i say about saying sorry?"

jimin huffed, but gave an adoring smile to the older, yoongi's heart melting. "that you'd dropkick me to alaska."

"you're stupid." yoongi chuckles, smiling shyly before sighing and letting a frown take over his pink lips. "jimin, when i got here this morning, taehyung was outside of your door. why?"

jimin's smile dropped, as did his heart. "he knocked on the door and i opened it. he wanted sex. don't worry, yoon, nothing happened between us. other than a little argument, but nothing sexual or romantic, i promise."

yoongi nodded, looking up at jimin. "i believe you, min. i don't think you would've called me crying otherwise."

"you're right." jimin nodded, he sighed and leaned against yoongi's chest. "i really miss you."

he felt yoongi kiss his head and hug him tightly, rubbing small circles onto the small of his back. "i miss you too, minnie. so fucking much."

"do we still have to go another two months without each other?" jimin asked.

yoongi let out a sigh, "do you think one month is too short a time for us to get back together after everything?"

"keep in mind we knew each other a month before you kissed me." jimin giggled, looking up at yoongi. the sound brought a smile to yoongi's face, his heart fluttering. even,though he caught jimin with another man―a man he'd been seeing since long before their relationship had ever even started, it didn't stop the overwhelming sense of love he felt when he heard, saw, ir even merely thought of the younger.

"i guess you're right." yoongi smiled.

"hyung, can we get back together?" jimin whispered, "i'll stay loyal, i promise. i need you."

yoongi pushed jimin back slowly, looking him in the eyes. he couldn't help but smile seeing the boy he loves―his entire world. the mint haired boy leaned forward, kissing jimin's soft lips gently.

"of course, darling. i love you too much."

"i love you more." jimin grinned, his cheeks a light pink. "thank you, for not hating me."


it's finally over oh god

i feel happy?? sad?? i don't know??

idk man i love but hate this book so much. but thank you for reading, it means sosososo much to me ♥

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