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jimin looked out of the window, his ankles crossed under his chair as his small fingers wrapped around the cup of warm coffee. he sighed.

"watcha thinking about?" taehyung asked, tapping his finger on the side of his cup. jimin looked at him, pursing his lips amd adjusting the light grey beanie he'd stolen from yoongi that morning before he left.

"yoongi," jimin frowned. "also, i met jungkook last night. he's adorable."

"i agree." taehyung shrugged, taking a long drink from his tea. he set the half-empty cup down, "jungkook is definitely something."

"you don't sound very..." jimin hummed, squinting his eyes and looking at the brunette. "...happy? with him."

"he's a bit clingy, is all." taehyung shrugged. "so it just gets on my nerves sometimes."

"really?" jimin scrunched his nose, "i mean, there's a lot of things yoongi does that really irks me, but i look past it. i still love him the same."

"see, that's because you're a loving person." taehyung commented.

"but i'm also a shitty person." jimin sighed, a hint of sadness showing on his face.

"hm, true." taehyung shrugged.

"i just wish i wasn't so addicted to you." jimin looked at his hands, "maybe i could live peacefully with myself."

"i thought you said you don't feel guilty for cheating?" taehyung asked, making jimin sigh, again, and speak again.

"that's the thing, i don't." jimin mumbled, "it's moreso that i know yoongi won't stay with me if, when, he finds out. he's my entire world, it's so confusing. i should feel guilt, right?"

"i mean, i don't know. wouldn't be the first time i've cheated on someone." taehyung shrugged.


"try to slow down your singing a little bit, you're going too fast for the music. everything else is just right." yoongi spoke to jungkook, who stood behind the glass and looked at the mint-haired rapper on the other side, singing once he got the signal to begin.

as jungkook sang, yoongi nodded, happy with the result. now, they just had to record the song together. they woukd do that tomorrow, though. jungkook's voice was scratchy when he asked yoongi how it was, and the older felt bad.

"it was good," yoongi flashed jungkook his infamous gummy smile and setting his headphones down. jungkook took notice, realizing they were done.

"we're working on it tomorrow, right?" jungkook asked, taking long drinks of his water after.

yoongi nodded, "yeah. rest your voice, i don't want you overworking yourself."

"sure thing. see you tomorrow, hyung, tell jimin hyung i said hi!" jungkook grinned, packing the few things he'd brought with him into his bag and waving happily as he walked out for the night.

so if i write a smut for this soon, which ship would you want to see-





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