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"hyung, pay attention to me." jungkook pouts, poking taehyung on the arm as he scrolls through instagram. taehyung grunts and pushes jungkook away from him, making the younger frown.

"you're so annoying, jungkook." he sighed, not sparing the brunette a glance. "you are so fucking annoying. don't you have friends you can hang out with?"

jungkook got up and moved to the other end of the couch, hugging his knees to his chest as a deep sigh left him. "they're all busy. besides, i just wanted to spend time with you...the only time you actually talk to me is when you want sex. that isn't how a relationship works."

"look, we have our days that we just want to be left alone, right?" taehyung asked, looking over at jungkook.

"right, but you've barely paid any attention to me in a month, taehyung." jungkook sighs, squeezing his eyez shut to stop the tears he felt gathering at his waterline. "i miss you."

taehyung leaned back, "whatever."


"what's got you looking so down, kid?" a man slid across into the seat across from jungkook. the brunette looked at him, his pink hair and heart-shaped lips seeming oddly familiar.

"my boyfriend is being a dick." jungkook dryly laughed. "hey, what's your name? you seem familiar."

"kim seokjin, but i go by jin." he answers. jungkook remembered him now; he saw him with namjoon around yoongi's studio before. his hair was covered up with a beanie at the time, though. "and what did your boyfriend do?"

"ah, he refuses to give me attention." jungkook tells him. "i understand if he isn't up to cuddle every now and then, but it's been a month since he's done anything genuine with me, other than sex."

jin widened his eyes, "did it just randomly start? how long have you two been together?"

"six, going on seven, months."

"damn." jin whistled lowly, "you think he's bored?"

"maybe." jungkook's face noticably dropped and his shoulders slumped. "i don't know. i really don't want to lose him."

jin smiled, jungkook could tell it was one of pity, "i know what you mean."

jungkook sighed and stirred his coffee, "aren't you dating namjoon hyung? yoongi hyung's friend?"

"i am!" jin's eyes lit up at the name, "ah, you're jungkook, right? the one working with yoongi?"

jungkook nodded, "i am, yeah."

"he speaks fondly of you." jin says, "in like, a way that a proud older brother would. god knows that boy loves jimin more than anything else on earth."

"even music?"

"oh yeah. if it weren't for jimin pushing him into pursuing his dreams, he wouldn't be the amazing rapper, songwriter, and producer he is today." jin tells the younger, "jimin is truly an important part of his life."

"i wish i had that type of love with taehyung." jungkook sighs.

"hey, maybe you will. maybe he'll get his head out of the clouds and realize that he has a wonderful boyfriend waiting to be loved."

"i hope so."

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