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jimin laid on his back, his grey shirt pushed up around his waist, his pants and boxers pooling around his knees. his hard and leaking cock was against his stomach, his hand searching blindly around for his phone while the other ran through his sweaty hair. jimin shakily dialed taehyung's number, putting the phone against his ear and hoping the younger would hurry and answer.

"jimin?" taehyung's voice rang through the phone, "why'd you call?"

jimin tried to steady his voice as he spoke to taehyung, incase jungkook was around and could hear him. "is jungkook there?"

"nope, he's at the store. won't be back for an hour or two. why?" taehyung asked, "does my baby need my help?"

"i'm not your baby," jimin scowled, "but yes, god, yes. just- guide me through the phone, please. yoongi will be home in, like, thirty minutes. i need you."

"i don't do phone sex." taehyung spoke, "you know that."

"so you―ah, you're not going to help?" jimin moaned lightly as he couldn't hold himself back anymore and slowly pumped himself.

"nope." taehyung said, and then jimin heard a beep. taehyung had just hung up. only mere seconds later, a message came through the screen from said male. jimin tapped on the message, his eyes widening and dick hardening at the picture taehyung had sent. it wasn't new, it had been an old picture from a month ago. nonetheless, it was something to help jimin get off.

jimin let out a small whimper and pumped himself quicker, exiting out of his messages and letting the image of taehyung's long, slim fingers wrapped around his thick and leaking length burn in the back of his mind.

"f-fuck," jimin groaned, digging his thumb into the slit. he arched his back, his fingers lightly tugging at the sweaty black locks as he moaned deeply. he panted heavily, feeling pleasure surge through him as his pace picked up.

"jimin, baby?" yoongi's voice rang through the house, the deep, yet soft voice soon reaching jimin's ears. jimin couldn't do anything to respond except let a loud moan come from his throat.

yoongi heard a high pitched whine come from their bedroom, giving him a good idea of what was going on. he rushed to the room, seeing the door halfway closed, just enough to see jimin's wrecked state.

"need help, baby?" yoongi asked, walking toward the needy male in front of him. jimin looked like he was on edge and near his release, but still needed that something else.

"please." jimin whimpered, allowing his body to go limp.

yoongi chuckled, "take the rest of your clothes off, i'll help you out."

"i'm not in the mood," jimin pouted, but doing as told. "i just couldn't get this damn thing to go away. the cold shower i took did nothing."

yoongi stood inbetween the younger's quivering legs, pushing them apart and letting his lips hover over jimin's leaking dick. "i'm not either. lay back, bubs."

"don't call me bubs while you're about to suck me off." jimin scoffed, laying back against the light grey bed sheets. "i don't want that nickname to be affiliated with this like the rest are."

"cutie." yoongi hums, wrapping his lips around jimin and slowly taking the younger in inch by inch. soon enough, yoongi's nose was resting against jimin's hips and the tip of his dick was filling his throat. the loud gasp from jimin made yoongi hum contently, his tounger swirling aroung his length.

the vibration sent a wave of pleasure through jimin, feeling yoongi hollow his cheeks and slowly bob his head, his lips dragging as he moved down his length to the tip, sucking on it digging his tongue into the slit, catching the precum that rolled out and heard jimim's whines and moans change in volume.

"h-hyung," jimin whimpered, allowing his head to fall back and let out a silent moan. "i'm close."

the heat in his stomach increased as he attempted to thrust his hips into yoongi's mouth, but the older's hands held his hips down. yoongi ran a hand down jimin's thighs as they violently shook, feeling himself twitch.

"fuck, hyung!" jimin yelled, allowing himself to release when yoongi hummed, the milky liquid filling the mint-haired boy's mouth and running down his chin. jimin laid back, panting. he used the little strength he had left to push himself up and watch as yoongi pulled off, cleaning jimin's mess off of himself.

"thank you, hyung." jimin whispered.

"no problem, bubs." yoongi smiled softly once he was cleaned, leaning up to kiss jimin.

jimin scrunched his nose, "you taste like cum."

"whose fault is that?" yoongi scoffed.

"it's yours." jimin hummed, smiling wide. he had nothing but pure adoration and love filling his eyes as he looked at yoongi. "i love you."

he heard the older scoff, "i love you too, loser."

i wasnt going to add this for a while, but i couldnt think of anythinh to write until then so, i figured this was better than not updating for a month smh

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