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jungkook woke up to a soft kiss on his lips and his boyfriend hovering over him with an iced coffee in hand. he smiled and took the cold drink,  sitting it on the nightstand by their bed. "i see you remembered to get it cold."

"i always remember," taehyung defended, "happy six months."

jungkook's smile widened, "happy six months."

taehyung rolled over and pulled him close, humming softly as he ran his fingers through the younger's hair. jungkook sighed happily, nuzzling his nose into the older's neck. after a few moments, jungkook pulled back.

"what's wrong?" taehyung asked, looking to see the look of confusion cross jungkook's face. jungkook scrunched his nose and leaned forward, sniffing the sleeve of taehyung's shirt.

"you smell different," he mumbled, before meeting eyes with his concerned boyfriend. "why? you aren't cheating, are you?"

taehyung felt panic flood through him, "someone at work asked me to put on some of their cologne to see if you'd like it."

it was a shitty lie, but at least jungkook believed him. the younger nodded, leaning back into his boyfriendcs chest. "i thought you were cheating for a moment there."

taehyung scoffed and closed his eyes as he spoke softly, "i would never cheat on you."


taehyung walked with jungkook's hand intertwined with his, the younger's hair covered by a red beanie, his cheeks just as red. jungkook hummed before perking up at the sight of a café that had recently opened, "tae, can we go? i heard it was really good."

taehyung looked at the shop that had a bunch of warm tones on the walls and furniture. "i don't see why not."

they walked hand in hand to the restaurant, swinging their hands as they did so. the warm air from inside the small café hit them as jungkook opened the door, warming them from the chilly weather outside.

i've had so much writer's block for this sigh

but hey it's an update

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