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"who the fuck is at my door at seven fifteen in the morning in a saturday?" jimin grumbled lowly, tightening his grip on his blanket as he walked through his messy apartment, trying not to accidentally trip over anything. he pouted as he opened the door, rolling his eyes and scoffing when he saw who it was.

none other than kim taehyung.

"why are you here?" jimin asked, narrowing his eyes at the younger. taehyung, although running after jungkook on the day yoongi and jungkook walked in on them, seemed unaffected and completely over it. jimin, on the other hand, tried desperately to stop thinking about the man he loves even just for a second, but to his disappointment, he can't.

"for a fuck?" he said, "why else?"

"i told you i want nothing to do with you ever again." jimin growled, "so, please, kindly leave my apartment and never come back."

taehyung snorted, "it's not like yoongi is with you anymore."

"actually, you're wrong. i was told that if by three months i can prove i'm done with you and stay loyal, he'll get back with me."

"why would he want to be back with you?" taehyung snarled, "you're nothing but a liar. a dirty, cheating liar."

"like you're any better!" jimin yells, shoving taehyung back. the taller gripped jimin's wrist as tightly as possible, the older of the two trying to break free. "you've had your dick in more guys i can count!"

"at least i'm proud of it!" taehyung dryly laughs.

jimin rips his wrists out of taehyung's grip, ignoring the pain in his arms from the action. "just get the fuck out and away from me, i hate you, kim taehyung."

"hate is a strong word."

"i know it is, that's why i used it." jimin gave him a bitter smile before shutting the door, locking it and sliding down. his back was against the door, his knees pulled into his chest as frustrated tears began to pool in his eyes. he grabbed the blanket that had fallen off of his bare shoulders and wrapped it around himself again. he fished his phone out if his sweatpants pocket, shakily dialing a number.


"jimin?" his voice was groggy, jimin knew he'd waken him up but pushed it aside. "are you okay? i hear sniffling."

"can you come over?"

"of course. do i need my keys?"

jimin nodded, even though yoongi couldn't see him. "p-probably."

"i'll see you in fifteen."

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