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"yoon," jimin whispered, rubbing yoongi's stomach with his hand in slow circles in attempt to make the older wake up. "honey, you need to go to bed."

"but 'm comfy," yoongi sleepily mumbled, keeping his eyes closed. jimin's heart swelled at the sight.

"i know you are, love, but i don't want to deal with cranky yoongi because his stubborn ass wouldn't let me carry him to bed." jimin giggled quietly, rubbing his eyes.

yoongi peeked at jimin with one eye, "i'll let you carry me to bed on one condition."

"what can i possibly do for my baby?" jimin teased, pinching yoongi's cheek and grinning when the older blushed.

"my little prince can give me a kiss and then i'll let him carry me to bed." yoongi pouted, looking at jimin, who blushed a deep crimson, with nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes. jimin rolled his eyes and leaned down, kissing yoongi softly. the mint haired boy pulled jimin on top of him so that the younger straddled him, squeezing jimin's hips.

jimin stood up, breathless, and grabbed onto yoongi's larger hands, pulling the older up so he could let the older hold onto him like a koala.


"good morning, sunshine." yoongi hummed, kissing up the side of jimin's neck. jimin giggled, his eyes still heavy from sleep.

"hyung, your hair tickles." jimin smiled brightly. he ran his fingers along yoongi's bare arm, taking in the sight in front of him.

"we should shower together." yoongi mumbled, nuzzling his head into jimin's shoulder. "it's been a while."

"i know what you're thinking, hyung."

"my mind is a innocent and pure place." yoongi scoffed.

"now that is a lie." jimin scoffed, rolling off of the bed. he stood up, slipping his shirt off and letting it drop to the floor. "are you coming, or what?"


"i'm not cleaning the shower." jimin huffed, wincing as he sat on one of the stools in the kitchen. yoongi laughed at his boyfriend's pain.

"it's your cum."

"it's your fault."

yoongi gasped. "no such thing!"

"who is the one who wanted to go three rounds in the shower, min yoongi?" jimin asked, trying to bite back the grin threatening to form on his lips. yoongi's cheeks tinted a soft pink at jimin's words.

"not me." yoongi huffed, turning away from jimin. he grabbed a cup out of the cabinet, one jimin had gotten personally made for yoongi on their second anniversary. it would seem lame to most couples, but to them it meant the world. yoongi loved coffee almost as much as he loves jimin, so the mug is special to yoongi and forever will be.

"liar." jimin mumbled, getting up to walk behind yoongi. he jumped on the counter behind said boy and wrapped his body around yoongi's. "will you make me some too? please?"

yoongi pressed a gentle kiss to jimin's arm, it being the closest body part of jimin's to yoongi's lips. "of course, darling."

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