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taehyung woke up the next morning to jimin's naked body on top of his own, snoring softly. the younger wrapped his arms around the black-haired boy's small frame, tracing the line of hickies going from his neck down to his hips―not that the small bruises stopped there, they had definitely decorated other parts of the boy's skin.

jimin was lucky his partner---min yoongi, twenty-four and rising rapper, completely and utterly in love with jimin―wasn't all that sexual, and that it wasn't the middle of summer. or else he, and taehyung, would be in big trouble.

"enjoying the view?" jimin groaned, feeling a light finger touch the sensitive red and purple bruises covering him.

"morning, sunshine." taehyung winked and let his hand travel south, groping jimin's butt. "while your face itself is a true blessing, i believe something else is the true view."

"if you want a second round before i go, just tell me." jimin snorted, straddling the younger and slowly rocking his hips to gain friction.

"shit, baby." taehyung groaned, letting himself relax into the bed, his head slightly thrown back into the pillows as he felt himself harden underneath the submissive boy. "so good, you're doing so good."

"so hard for me," jimin whimpered, feeling the tightening grip on his hips. he looked down at taehyung with heavy-lidded eyes, his lips puffy.

"you think your thick little ass could take my fat cock one more time, babyboy?" taehyung growled, his long and slim fingers wrapping around jimin's larger-than-average dick. still, he was much smaller than taehyung.

"mm," jimin nodded, "always. just for you."

taehyung flipped them over, careful not to hurt the needy boy. "don't wanna hurt you, baby." he mumbled against jimin's lips. "tell me to stop if it's too much."

"'course," jimin lazily replied, bucking his hips into taehyung's hand. jimin felt his throat go dry when the brunette looked up at him with a threatening gaze, bringing a hand down to slap jimin's thigh, the older moaning loudly.

"stay still, love." taehyung whispered, pumping jimin at a slower pace. "is it okay if i began prepping you?"

"weren't you just talking about shoving your fat cock into my tight little ass?" jimin purred, speaking softly with a hint of teasing in his voice, which was slightly deeper than usual. "prep or no prep, it's nothing i can't take."

"you really want me to fuck you senseless, dry? no lube? no prep?" taehyung lowly asked, biting on the skin just below jimin's ear. as much as taehyung amd jimin loves the feeling of their earrings being messed with during sex―moreso jimin, but you see the point, but ever since taehyung had accidentally ripped out one of jimin's piercings, they didn't mess with the ears anymore.

jimin flushed at the thought, though, it's not like they hadn't done it before. it left jimin in tremendous pain the morning after, but jimin said the pain was worth it. he deemed that night as the "best sex he'd ever had".

"fuck, yes."

"if you say so, park." taehyung said, letting go of jimin and ordering him to get on all fours―which he actually hadn't, he just had his ass in the air for taehyung to admire and knead, teasing the older until he was ready to take over himself, the rest of his body just laid limp against the sheets that now smells like sweat and cum.

taehyung pumped himself a few times and held onto jimin's hips, reminding himself that jimin wants this, before lining himself up with the older's hole. he leaned down as far he could, feeling his tip tease jimin. it wasn't intentional, which made it all the better. "hold on tight, babe."

jimin whimpered and clutched the sheets, just wanting taehyung to fuck him already.

that was, until he felt taehyung thrust into him at a pace he didn't even know was humanly possible, forcing a bloodcurdling scream that was both a mixture of pain and pleasure to rip out of the back of his throat, "oh my god, taehyung, god, fuck yes."

"so tight, baby boy." taehyung praised, keeping the pace going as strongly as possible, hearing the headboard hit the wall and feeling the bed shake in sync with their flustered bodies. "feel so good around me, darling. so good. such a good boy for daddy."

"daddy," jimin cried out, "ri-right there―oh god, fuck yes."

"you close baby?" taehyung asked, a deep moan leaving the back of his throat when he felt jimin clench around him, making him nearly release then and there.

jimin fucked himself back on taehyung, intensifying the pleasure. silent moans left him as he felt his entire body stiffen, his dick twitching as he came untouched. he whined softly as taehyung whispered praises into him, using him to get himself off. the overstimulation was almost too much, but secretly, jimin loved it.

jimin laid limp as he felt taehyung's warm liquid fill him, the younger pulling out gently. taehyung watched with pride as his cum rolled effortlessly down the back of jimin's toned thighs, his used hole puffy.

"you did so good baby." taehyung praised. "i'd let you rest, but we have people to get home to once we clean up."

jimin silently nodded, focusing on regulating his heavy breathing. he knew he was in for one hell of a pain in his ass the next morning, but it'd be worth it.

istg there wasn't supposed to be smut in this chapter ,,, but i mean this will literally be 80% smut so uH

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