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"alright, just sing that last line one more time for me." yoongi said, looking at jungkook from the other side of the recording booth. he adjusted his headphones and gave jungkook a thumbs up, telling him it was okay to start. he listened closely to jungkook as he sang, making sure to catch each and every flaw he heard. luckily, there were none, making him grin. as soon as jungkook finished, he told him it was officially done.

"can i hear it, hyung?" jungkook asked, walking out of the booth. yoongi put his headphones around his neck, leaning back in his chair and looking up at the younger.

"not just yet. i need to finish up and tweak a few things regarding the beat and then it'll be ready to be released." yoongi grinned, "you did well, jungkook."

"thank you, hyung!" jungkook grinned, his voice cracking slightly. the voice crack caught yoongi's attention, the mint haired boy raising an eyebrow.

"jungkook, is your throat sore?" he questioned, watching jungkook's face noticeably drop as he blushed.

"just a little bit." jungkook answered, knowing yoongi would scold him anyways.

yoongi frowned, "you know i want you to tell me when,your throat is hurting or dry. i, unlike most producers, don't overwork people."

jungkook sighed, grabbing his water bottle and taking long drinks from it, wiping his hand against the back of his mouth once he was done. he placed the nearly empty bottle on the desk beside him, away from yoongi's equipment. "it's starting to feel better now."

"good," yoongi nods, putting the headphones on his desk and standing up, looking up at jungkook. "want to go get something to eat?"

"please, tae?" jimin whined, jutting his bottom lip out despite taehyung being unable to see him. "yoongi won't be home for a few hours, we have time."

"yeah, but what about jungkook?" taehyung asked. jimin could hear him lick his lips, only adding onto jimin's needyness.

jimin huffed. "just leave him a note or a text saying you went to the store! i don't know, but please. i'm so desperate, tae."

"well, i do need to buy more bath bombs..." taehyung trailed off. "i'll text him, i'll see you in ten."

"thank you," jimin sing-songed, hanging his phone up and letting it fall onto the couch beside him.

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