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taehyung used a wet cloth to clean up the mixture of cum and lube, the younger whining and trying to close his legs together due to being sensitive. taehyung only huffed at the action and pushed them apart, "jungkook, stop. i'm trying to clean you up."

"but i'm sensitive, hyung." jungkook groaned, feeling the rough material rub against his skin once again. "you try cumming three times in a row and having someone roughly rub your ass."

"rather not." taehyung replied blandly, not easing up on his rubs. jungkook's skin was red and looked painful. he dropped the cloth to the ground, sitting on the bed and caressing the younger's cheek. "do you want to bath now or wait until you aren't so sensitive?"

"wait." jungkook huffed, flipping onto his stomach and pulling a sheet over him. he hugged a pillow under his chest and looked at taehyung out of the corner of his eye. "you're too rough. you know how my skin is."

"i know, your skin care is expensive as fuck." taehyung grumbled, laying beside jungkook and draping an arm over him.

"not my fault i was born with sensitive skin." jungkook wrinkled his nose. "regular soaps make my skin break out and turn really red."

"i know it does, kook." taehyung sighed and put his head into the younger's shoulder, pulling him close. "let's nap."

"i'm down." jungkook mumbled, pressing a soft kiss onto taehyung's cheek before shutting his eyes.

"kook," jungkook groaned, hearing his boyfriend's voice above him. he swatted at the older, getting a light slap on his calf in return. "babe, you need to bath."

jungkook groaned and sat up, making grabby hands toward taehyung, "fine, but you're carrying me."

taehyung chuckled and let the younger wrap his arms loosely around his kneck, one arm under jungkook's knees and the other under his back. jungkook set his head against taehyung's bare chest, feeling the warmth radiating from his boyfriend. "tae, can we use a bath bomb?"

"i think we need to buy more." taehyung spoke, taking a minute to think about it. "we used our last one a month ago, i believe."

jungkook's lips fell into a small pout. "damn."

no one asked but here's a picture of my grandma's kitten, aka the non-human love of my life

anyways i have finally (!!) gotten the plot up & going for the 4th book of the sex series so idk when that'll be posted but it will be at some point in time

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