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yoonmin won by 3-4 comments on the smut pairing vote last chapter (it actually really surprised me, i thought vmin would win)


yoongi's hands were placed on jimin's upper thighs, squeezing tightly as jimin continued to kiss his neck, lightly pulling on the smooth skin with his teeth. yoongi gritted his teeth, feeling jimin slowly move his hips higher and higher, until he was directly over yoongi's crotch.

"stop it, jimin." yoongi exhaled, opening his eyes to see jimin looking at him, his lips puffy and eyes wide. he looked innocent. if it weren't for the small hand ghosting over the bulge slowly beginning to press against jimin, clearly teasing, yoongi would want to kiss and hug him.

"but oppa," jimin leaned toward yoongi's ear, wrapping his arms loosely around the mint-haired boy's neck. "i'm not doing anything."

yoongi growled lowly at the name jimin used, using a hand to press down on the growing bulge in jimin's jeans, the younger's head falling helplessly into yoongi's shoulder as yoongi palmed him roughly.

"h-hyung," jimin breathlessly moaned, unintentionally bucking his hips against yoongi's. jimin whined when he felt yoongi pin his hips down―the best he could anyways, as jimin was practically sitting on his torso than his thighs. jimin thread his fingers through yoongi's soft hair on the back of his head, pulling the older's head back slightly, humming in satisfaction when he heard a low groan emit from yoongi's lips.

"you're really going to regret it," yoongi slowly opened his eyes and moved close to jimin, his lips ghosting over jimin's plump ones, his long and slim fingers grabbing a fistful of jimin's hair and tugging, "baby boy."

if there was one thing taehyung didn't know about jimin's sexual preferences, it was that he loved to have his hair pulled. yoongi had found out once when he walked in on jimin jerking himself off, one hand wrapped firmly around his leaking dick and the the other pulling harshly on his hair that, at the time, was a soft shade of blonde.

jimin moaned loudly, looking at yoongi.

"you want me to bend you over, baby? fuck you so hard you can't even speak? you want that baby?" yoongi teased, his hand slipping into the tight jeans hugging jimin's hips and legs.

"yes, hyung." jimin shifted uncomfortably, squeezing his thighs together as yoongi gently cupped him.

"strip for me."

the black-haired boy slowly nodded and licked his lips, getting up and walking in front of yoongi, meeting eyes with the older as his fingers hooked the edge of his red and black striped shirt, pulling it over his head and dropping it onto the coffee table. his small fingers fumbled with the button of his jeans, his head rolling back with pleasure as the rough material rubbed over his hardening erection. yoongi bit his lips at the sight, focusing on the slowly growing wet patch on jimin's boxers, making him twitch in his own jeans knowing he was the cause of that.

"i'm done, hyung." jimin purred, looking at yoongi with drooped eyelids.

yoongi nodded and stood up, "good boy. go wait for me on the bed, yeah?"

jimin nodded, hearing a soft call of "no touching, or you'll be punished." behind him. part of jimin wanted to purposely disobey and touch himself, but part of him wanted to feed off of the praises from his loving boyfriend.

jimin rolled onto the bed, staring up at the pure white ceiling, trying to ignore the slight throbbing in his lower half. he heard yoongi in the bathroom across the hall, and jimin bit his lip.

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