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jimin walked in the door with his hair slightly damp, nearly half a bottle of concealer hiding the marks on his neck due to not having a scarf or turtleneck with him. he walked into the living room, knowing the mint haired boy he loves so much would be there, if not in the bedroom.

there the small boy sat, his hoodie sliding up to expose his stomach, his glasses sliding off his nose. jimin's heart warmed at the sight, going over and bending over to pick up the older boy, ignoring the dull ache in his lower back. yoongi stirred in his sleep, a small pout forming on his pretty pink lips jimin loved oh so much as they formed the nickname, "jiminie."

"it's me, love," jimin whispered, tightening his hold on the soft boy in his arms. he walked to their bedroom, mentally cheering that the door was opened enough to nudge open with the edge of his boots.

"missed you," yoongi yawned, his fingers finding his boyfriend's soft locks and tangling his fingers in them, jimin practically purring from the small action. although jimin seemed to be dominant―especially when it came to yoongi, but he was possibly the biggest submissive to live.

jimin dropped the older on the bed, before changing into clothes that were more comfortable than the stiff skinny jeans and tight black shirt. he slipped into the bed next to yoongi, peppering light kisses along the older's face in attempt to fully wake him up.

most people would think jimin didn't truly love yoongi if he was able to have sex with another man behind his back and not feel any sort of guilt or remorse. yoongi was, is, the love of jimin's life.

there was just something so incredibly intoxicating about taehyung's touch that jimin needed. it was a simple highschool hookup between two friends in their junior year that still goes on to this day, as they're twenty-one years old and in happy-but-not-exactly-healthy relationships. it was only the matter that jimin didn't trust himself to be loyal and yoongi trusted him too much.

"you look tired," yoongi sleepily hummed, sliding his glasses off and putting them on the table beside their bed. he brushed a stray hair out of jimin's eyes, leaning forward to softly kiss the sinful lips of his boyfriend.

the lips that were roaming another man's body who wasn't yoongi; but kim taehyung.

and of course, yoongi didn't know.

"i'm okay." jimin happily hummed, curling into yoongi's chest. yoongi thread his fingers through jimin's hair until he heard soft snores from the younger, chuckling lightly.

"'i'm okay,' my ass." yoongi quietly scoffed, kissing jimin's cheek. "night, minnie. i love you."

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