16) Who's the Real Third Wheel?

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Dedicated to HaartTheWriter HI THERE

16) Who's the Real Third Wheel?

As individuals, we are born with different talents and abilities, which can help us find our future careers.

Some people are great with machines and can know what is wrong by just listening to the engine.

Others can paint a room then put random items like a moose head on the wall and call it interior decorating.

Then there are the people who were made for customer service, to help people in need. They always seem to be smiling and wanting to make others happy.

That is definitely not me.

"I'm sorry miss, unfortunately, we don't sell sugar-free cupcakes but can I interest you in a lemon meringue tart instead?" I offer an elderly woman who I've been going through the entire menu with for the past 5 minutes. I'm fairly sure the six people behind her are all planning her funeral because she is taking her sweet time.

She shakes her head "I don't like lemon very much. I find it too sweet."

We are talking about the same fruit right? The yellow round thing that life gives you that you're supposed to make lemonade out of?

"How about something savoury?" I pull out the next item from the display shelf "spinach, feta and pumpkin quiche?"

"No. I can't eat dairy, egg or wheat either. I've found that I get an upset stomach whenever I eat food. Like last night I ate-"

"Is the there anything you can eat?" I would really like to start throwing food at her so she will just leave but I don't think the other customers would appreciate being caught in the cross-fire.

She fiddles which her small glasses on her nose "Are you sassing me young lady, I'm going to have a word with your manager about your atrocious behaviour, " the moment she starts pointing her finger accusingly at me, I decide that I've put up with her for long enough.

Before I can jump over the counter and tackle the old lady, the store owner Tiffany comes around to me with a bright smile "Okay Mackenzie I think your shift is about to end, how about you go out the back and finish up. While I will serve this lovely lady a pastry on the house for all the trouble she's been through, " The lady looked at me from behind her glasses with triumph.

Happy to leave the picky lady in her capable hands, I walk to the kitchen but not before whispering "Don't let her appearance fool you, she's evil, " in Tiffany's ear.

After taking a cupcake for myself, I leave the shop and go to put my headphones on when a bright yellow jeep swerves up the gutter, making me almost jump out of my skin. What is with my friends and trying to run me over? The window is wound down with Zoe smiling like an idiot who is about to do something stupid and is going to drag me into doing it with her. "Get in loser, we're going shopping, " yep that sounds about right.

I walk up to the window and lean against the door "I feel like should I know that reference from somewhere. Also I'd like to point out that we went to the shops like two weeks ago, I doubt they've restocked since we were there last."

Zoe pouts, "I'm personally offended on behalf of all womankind that you don't know where that is from. Plus I decided that we are having a girl's day. You and me just chilling, having fun, making memories. We can get our nails done-"

"I don't have nails to paint unless we go to the hardware store, " I look down at my short nails that I seem to pick without noticing.

"We could go to the movies, " she adds hopefully

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