7)When you say jump , I say I don't do physical activity

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7) When you say jump, I say I don't do physical activity

A new day.

A new me.
Forget about past disasters and embarrassments.
Focus on the future.
On happy thing; like cupcakes, new books coming out soon, free samples at shops or new shows to binge-watch on Netflix.

Life is all about the right timing. Like coordinating a cakes baking time with TV episodes so when it finishes your cake is almost ready, turning up to a giant shop sale early to get dibs on all the good stuff or when you-

Tires screech against the kerb out the front of my house.
I stare wide-eyed at the blue car that has driven over the gutter and is less than a hair breath away from me.

"You're late. Again," I swing open the door and hop in "Do you even own a clock?"

Charlie looks at the car clock that reads 3:54 am and shakes his head "A working one," he looks deep in thought "...no"

"There was a reason I bought you a watch and it wasn't meant for you to look at and watch time pass by. Can we also talk about how you almost hit me!"

"The keyword here is almost." He points out "In my defence, I was making sure that you were awake."

I can only glare daggers at him.

"Okay so maybe driving a car close to you wasn't the wisest of decisions but if I was any later I probably would be the one being killed by you at this point."

The excuses he comes up with are so stupid sometimes.

But this is what I get for getting a lift to school with someone that presses the snooze button on the alarm until he has to pick me in 5 minutes time.
I still don't understand how his logic of time works.

Shaking my head the thought pops up "Remind me again why I get you to pick me up in the morning."

Charlie flashes me his award-winning smile "Well, my dear Mackenzie I do believe that you are super lazy and refuse to do any type of physical activity unless you're forced to. And you think that if you go with Zoe her car will break down, therefore, being late for school and going back to my first point you'll end up needing to walk."

Pondering over his words I realise that I truly am a fat lazy wombat.

I race through the hallway trying to squeeze my way between the rest of the school population.

Walking against the current of students is already hard enough but when you're short, for some universally unknown reason nobody can see you.

Which means you will most likely end up on the ground.

"Scuse me, sorry, coming through!"

I get knocked to the side into a hard wall, "Hey you, yeah you with the stupid red cap. I'm talking to you don't keep walking," I yell "you push me next time I'll punch you in the face then push you off a cliff capiche?" It's now that I realise that the guy has left and I'm shouting at thin air.

"Such a big threat from such a small person." A voice radiates from above.

I turn to see Sam smirking down at me. Apparently, he was the wall.

Note to self: punch the wall in the face next time you 'fall'.

"I'm not small. I prefer the term fun size or closer to the ground so I can kick you in the shins," I say sweetly meeting his icy glare.

He squints and brings his face too close for my liking.

Has he ever heard of a personal bubble?

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