nice to meet you

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"Ms Sanchez! Get up" Ms Donegan stares at me, so as the whole class.

"Ugh, your classes bore me" I accidentally say. I was half asleep and it just blurted out.

"Ms Sanchez that's an after school" Ms Donegan exclaims.

I groan and quickly fall back to sleep, I didn't get enough sleep considering I was up all night watching Logan Paul's vlogs while doing my science homework. It was all too much, with all the pressure, my grades were lowering. Unexpectedly my parents doesn't even care that much, they are too busy to care anyway I guess.

ring ring
The school bell went off, finally I get to go home. I pack my backs and head out the door.

"Ms Sanchez! You have an after school with me remember?" Ms Donegan said waving her arms at me trying to get my attention. I walk back to her and sit myself on one of the desks.

"How did I forget?.." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't give me attitude, if you don't do this last assignment you are going to fail this chemistry"

"Okay sorry Ms but don't worry, I'm always doing my assignments" I say back laying back and kicking my feet on the table.

"I know you always do your assignments but you never try in them which causes you to fail, and get your damn feet off the table!" She said pointing at me angrily.

"Well I did do the last one! Well I tried but it was like 4am" I said chuckling.

"Well maybe don't leave this one hanging until the last second!" Ms Donegan comes up to me and hands me a sheet of paper.

The body system

Ugh one thing I hated about learning in science is the body system. All we do is just get a mannequin and label the bodies parts.

"This again? Seriously, I've been doing the same assignment for the past 4 years, maybe something different would get my interest" I say rolling my eyes.

"Do it. It's due in 2 weeks, I'm giving you extra time because I believe you have something in you, your tests are great, but your work and assignments are failing. I'm going to call your parents tonight and tell them you are failing, I'm pushing you Emerald, because I know you can try and do better."

"Fine maybe I'll try in this one.. maybe not though" I say.

"If you don't pass chemistry you fail year 12, better try" she says walking away.

"Detention over" she yells out.

I grab my bag and sigh. Do I want to repeat year 12? No. I better try on this one, and it's a simple project anyway. I need to get started.


I walk back home and I see the front door open, my parents would be at work, so there would be no one home. I start to panic and grab the closest thing to me that would act like a weapon. A stick. Alright better make this work, I hold the stick up like a bat and slowly walk to the front door. But then I see my parents standing to the side of the door with their arms crossed. I put my hand on my heart feeling my heart beat. I let out a breath and start breathing normally.

"You guys scared me, what are you doing here?" I say smiling.

I went in for a hug but their arms didn't wrap around me. Something was up.

"What's wrong.. what did I do... I didn't do it, I promise!" I say trying to defend myself.

"Ms Donegan called us" My mum says raising her eyebrow.

"Yes, and she said that your failing chemistry?" Dad said feeling worried.

"Honey, were meant to act tough!" Mum says mumbling quietly.

"Oh sorry sweetheart"

My dad was always nicer to me than my mum ever was, he had a soft spot for me, and always talked to me about my feelings, seeing him disappointed in me makes me feel guilty.

"Sorry Mum and Dad, Ms Donegan gave me a project, and I'm actually gonna try for this one" I say looking at them pleadingly.

"Great, because we have someone you have to meet. Em, this is Daniel Seavey, he is going to tutor chemistry for you"

Mum says moving so she could let me see who Daniel was.

"Are you kidding me Mum? It's almost the end of the school year, this is my only project to do and then I'm done, I don't need a tutor okay!" I say almost shouting.

"Just introduce yourself" Dad says smiling.

"Fine." I cross my arms and take a look at Daniel. Yes he was pretty cute, but he's so not my type. He was standing there awkwardly.

"Hi I'm Emerald, you?"

"I'm Daniel" He didn't smile, he was really shy I could tell. My Mums hands were on his shoulder, and she was just smiling at me.

"Emerald your session starts tomorrow after school, so come straightaway" Mum says sternly.

I look at her and I get mad, ugh! I storm upstairs and slam my bedroom door. This is insane, why are my parents forcing me! My grades aren't that bad!


Okay maybe, but I'll give it a try. I have to find a way to get out of it though.


Wowza long chapter alright. Hope you guys like this story. I don't even have a plan I'm just writing as I go oops. :) Alright Enjoy.

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