another day

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"GOOD MORNING" i yell in the house as i'm running everywhere. i open up all the blinds and some doors for the air and i open the boys bedroom doors so they would wake up.

"WAKE UP GUYS" i shout, jack and jonah got up but zach wouldn't budge.

"WHY SO EARLY" jonah complains as he puts on his shirt.
"BECAUSE I SAID SO OKAY" i shout, i look at zach and a smile grows on my face. i run and jump on zach and.. basically try to kill him.

"AHHHHH" zach says looking up and then trying to tackle me back. he ends up falling off the bed and starts crying.
"wow, emerald, you made him cry! APOLOGIZE" jack says demanding me. i guess everyone's pissed at me for waking them up. NOT FOR LONG THOUGH.

"ZACH STOP BEING A BABY COME ON" i yell as i jump onto zach again and try to pull him up.
"geez you're heavy" i say as i groan, tugging on his arm.
"HEY! are you calling me fat?" zach says getting up on his own.
"what? n-"
"YOUR'E FATSIST" he says running around the house.
"EMERALD IS FATSIST" i was so confused but i just laughed along even though i didn't even know what it meant, i mean... zach and his words are just so weird, he's a weird person in general.

we all tackle zach and tickle him but then.. he screamed like a girl.
"woah, what was that?" jack says getting off of him.
"i guess.. my inner girl ness came out" he said in shock. he covered his mouth, contemplating on what he just did. all the boys just laugh, i roll my eyes and run into the kitchen, i have no idea why.

"why are you in such a good mood em?" corbyn asks sitting down on one of the chairs near the island.
"i don't know.. i feel like.. i remember things now" i say smiling brightly. it's true, my memories came rushing in the other night.. and when i woke up this morning i feel like i'm finally myself.

"wait what.. you remember?" corbyn says leaning in closer with his eyes as big as golf balls.
"only a little" i say chuckling. corbyn starts yelling "GUYS SHE REMEMBERS" everyone started to run towards me and they all group hug me. my friends are amazing. who knew a dumb girl could make such nice, incredible friends. if it wasn't me being stupid, i wouldn't have met daniel. i laugh as i couldn't breathe anymore (not literally).

we all start having a deep as conversation.. about baboons to how ducks can't fly.. okay it's not deep, like life deep but it's the deepest we've ever talked. i started yawning and daniel looked at me.

"em, you tired?" he asks.
"yep" i say, my eyelids were heavy and i was getting drowsy.
"come" he says, getting ahold of my hand and then leading me into his bedroom. i follow his lead as my eyes were about to close, he sets me down and gives em a blanket, i smile, with my eyes closed.

"wait daniel" i say as he's about to leave the room.
"yeah?" he says turning back around.
"please stay" i say, kind of embarrassed because it came out of nowhere.. and what if he rejected?
"okay" he says as he sets down on the floor and held my hand as i fell asleep.

yoooo i swear, chapter by chapter my writing gets worst and worst man.
like i don't even put any description and shit like please don't kill me thanks dudes. imma cry. bye losers (: but thank you so much for 30k reads, i'm grateful for all of you guys and y'all mean the world to me and it makes me happy that i'm at least half interesting. x

OH AND this was such a random chapter soo yeah

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