jack avery will die (not irl) :)

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i dozed off to sleep as soon as i hit my pillow, daniel laying beside me on the ground. i knew he wouldn't sleep and i felt super bad he had to sleep on the floor. if i invited him to sleep on the bed he would've said no so i just didn't try.

after an hour nap i headed out, daniel was still asleep and i went out and got some food. i guess everyone got tired and had a nap since it was like a lazy sunday except it was thursday. only jack was awake and he was sitting on the couch thinking about something really important, i could tell by the look on his face. i decided to talk to him about it, i guess if he didn't want to it would be okay.

"hey, you okay?" i ask as i sit down on the couch holding a glass of water. he threw his head back with his hands over his face, rubbing his eyes in frustration.

"yeah i'm good, it's just.. that something happened" he said bluntly.. i didn't know if i should ask him what.. or if he didn't want to talk about it.

"do you want to talk about it?" i ask taking a sip of my water. he sighed.. at first he hesitated but i guess he decided to tell me anyway.

"yeah.. um. well.. my ex.. girlfriend yeah? well she's threatening me and shit, like she's going to kill me. i thought she was psycho when she planned to kill me when we were dating. i - i" jack tried to calm down but he was shaking and was about to cry, his eyes were watering. i knew he bottled this inside of him and now was the time for him to explode.

"i- she almost killed everyone in our band, she was trying to take down why don't we.. and i was so oblivious because i was so in love with her, i really thought she was the one." he says, his breath was shaky and he was terrified of this situation. i nodded so he understood that i could keep listening to him, so he continued to tell me the whole story.

"okay tell me from the start to the end, i have all day don't worry" i say sitting closer to him and rubbing his back, he needed all the comfort he needed.

"okay so last year.. i met this girl named carly flower, we dated for the whole year basically. she was so sweet and caring, but she had bad intentions and i only realised before i just broke up with her. her intention was to kill me, to kill the band. so little by little she would do things like putting poison in our drinks or some little things like those. the boys all trusted her until she did something to jonah and before, he watched her put something in his drink.. i don't know what it was though and jonah refused to drink it. he told me there was something fishy going on with her but i was so whipped by her and i was in love with her that i didn't even believe him." he was choking on his words, his nose became runny and his cheeks became red.

"so later on, she would think of a new way to kill one of us.. she was literally psychotic, once she tried to suffocate daniel.. it was so scary i know. i caught her once and we had a huge fight, again.. she tried to kill me during the fight.. i don't know what she wants from me.. attention? i have her all the attention she wanted, or did she want fame? no one knew about her.. she was our secret. anyway, we had this huge fight and i broke things off with her. i had to sacrifice love for my own and the boys safety, but the relationship was one sided since i was the only one in love. recently, i've been getting death threats from her saying things like "jack avery must die" "jack avery will die" and i've been getting nightmares, i haven't slept for days because i've been so afraid she would kill me someday." after he finished that.. he just started balling his eyes out. i sat next to him, hugging him. his head was buried underneath my chest while i was rubbing his back. i wish i could do something to stop all of this.

as soon as jack tried to clean himself up his phone dinged again. his hands were shaking rapidly as he threw his phone to me. i looked at him in confusion, i grab his phone and saw one text message.

"i will kill jack avery."

i shook my head and threw the phone across the room making it crack. jack looked at me like i was crazy.

"jack.. does she know where you live?" i ask him seriously. he shook his head.

"we just moved here a couple months ago" he says as his voice shook. i sigh in relief.

"she could track you down, you need to destroy you're phone and change you're number" i say, i was surprised i even thought of that, i didn't know if it was the right thing to do but i knew he had to do it anyway. anything.
jack gets up getting his phone and stepping on it so it would smash. he threw it in the pool and left it there.

"thank you em" he says, he hugs me tightly.
"anything for you, make sure you get a new phone and a new number." i say as my chin stays on jacks shoulder. he nods.

"if she texts again, call the police." i say.

after a while of talking to jack, he felt like he needed to do something for me in return so he wrote a 'coupon card' and i get it inside my phone case when i needed anything, i could just go to jack and use the card.

i smile as jonah and the rest of the boys come in, with their bedhead and they're we're still tired after their nap.

"is there anything to eat?" corbyn asks as he rummages through the kitchen. i shook my head even though he didn't look at me.

"chipotle?" jonah asks trying to fix his messy hair.
"okay, 10 mins" daniel says, we all walked off to get ready, except for zach, he ran since he needed all the time for his hair. an hour to be exact.

we all headed out for chipotle and when we stepped out of the car there were fans surrounding us, it was crazy how they knew where we were and got there before us. oh, never mind that.. jonah and jack tweeted they were going to chipotle, wow, nice going boys.

i felt awkward as i felt a thousand pairs of eyes on me, there were giggles, whispering and staring. bonus, i always feel awkward when people stare at me while i'm eating.. anyone else?

"you'll get used to it, if anyone asks, just tell them you're my friend" daniel says looking at me while eating some chicken. (idk what chipotle is and idk what's in it so don't kill me)

after we finish eating, which was incredibly disturbing, we went back home and we decided to sit outside with a flames in front of us, sitting and talking. it was so nice since the boys were serenading me ;)

after an hour of having conversations about life and such, my eyes felt heavy. so daniel took me upstairs to his bedroom and put me to bed.

"daniel, just sleep on this bed come on" i said, i mean, i'm already comfortable with daniel so why not let him sleep with me?

"fine.. if it's not a problem, i know you love me so much." he said sarcastically, i rolled my eyes as he took off his shirt (he sleeps shirtless), and went under the covers with me. he kept his distance with me, he turned off the lamp and we fell asleep within seconds.

okay wtf were already almost up to 40k reads?! wHAT?! OKAY LOVE YOU ALL even tho i know i got only 200 reads on my last chapter, but it's okay bc i'm gonna post more often, okay bye bye have fun.

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