reunited with my sister

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It's been about a week since Emerald and I have talked. I went to take a shower and I couldn't stop thinking about her. I don't want to gain feelings for her because she is my client, and I can't date clients. I really needed this job to go to college.

I went into the shower and the boys came into my room and snooped on my phone for a while. Then they saw Emerald.

"Will ya look at this.." Jack said smirking.

"Guys get off it.. Daniel would never forgive us" Jonah said pushing the guys away gently.

"No.. Daniel is hiding something from us and we need to figure this out" Corbyn said looking curiously.

The boys quickly went through his text messages.
Saturday 12 march
Emerald- "today was so fun thanks Daniel x ❤️"

Daniel- "your so welcome, pretty lady x"

Emerald- "goodnightttt"

Daniel- "night beautiful"


"Oooouuuu damn Daniel" Jack said smiling.

"Wow, he's been hiding this from us?!" Zach said shocked.

"I'm gonna type "hey"" Jack said typing.

"No no no no" Jonah said trying to snatch the phone off Jack"

"Too late I already sent it" Jack said chuckling. Jonah facepalmed and walked out of the room.
Daniel- "hey 😘"
"Wowww she left him on read, what's going on?" Corbyn said.
Daniel- "what's wrong"
"That's low" Jack said trying to figure out what happened between Daniel and Emerald.

Daniel- "why are you leaving me on read I didn't do anything wrong"
Emerald- "are you kidding me? You ditched me."

I came back from his shower and the boys shut off my phone and quickly ran.

I don't like Emerald. I don't like Emerald. I don't like Emerald.

I got dressed, I became nervous because my session with Emerald is tomorrow. I shouldn't apologise because she was the one that over-reacted. I had to get her out of my head, so I texted Anna and wanted to meet for a coffee. We go to a cafe called Xio's Secret Cafe and I order an iced coffee.

"Anna!! I haven't seen you in ages!" I say giving her a hug.

"Hey Daniel! Wow now you're taller than me" She says laughing. We talk about life and what we're doing. Family and friends.

"So.. any girls yet Dani?" She asks curiously.

"No.. well one, but it's complicated." I say looking down.

"Tell me about her" She says taking a sip of her coffee.

"Her name is Emerald. Emerald Sanchez.. she's my client for tutor." I say nervously.

"Your client?!" Anna says almost choking. "What do you mean your client? Your not going to fall for a student! How old is she?!" She says raising her voice.

"Anna chill, she's my age, and she's beautiful, so smart and kind." I say drifting into a daydream.

"Okay well.. so what's the situation?" She asks.

"We had an argument last week.. and it was pretty dumb, I had to go to another client and she said that I was ditching her and she got really mad about it.." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Daniel, you did ditch her.. especially if it was in the middle of the session. Also just apologise because she got hurt and maybe she likes you because she didn't want you to leave.. heh.." Anna says elbowing me and winking.

"Okay fine... I'll apologise" I say looking at my cup.

Anna and I finally said our goodbyes and went for a hug.

Then the door opened, a gush of wind came in and I looked up. She had bright Emerald eyes and you could see it from afar. It was Emerald. She saw me and Anna hugging, her eyes filled with tears so quickly. She then turned around and ran away.

"Emerald!" I say trying to get out of the cafe.

She ran away so quickly, I couldn't find her at all.

"Was that Emerald?" Anna says trying to catch up to me.

"Yeah.. I guess she thought I was hugging another girl.." I say clearing my throat.

Anna came for a hug and hugged me tightly.

"It's alright Daniel. Tomorrow you talk to her, okay?" She says not letting go.

"Alright. Love you Anna" I said hugging back.

We said goodbye and I drove back home. I walked to my room and laid in bed for about an hour, staring at the ceiling. Thinking about what I should say for tomorrow. All I know is that it could end up as a hug and Emerald would be happy, or the saddest day of my life. Letting Emerald go isn't an option.
Whoop, extraaa long chapter, to make up for the other days. Thanks Evelyn for some ideas :) x
Enjoy guys x :)

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