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as i woke up i felt strong arms wrapping around my body, my face was covered in his chest. i look up and i see a smiling daniel sleeping happily, he flutters his eyes open and looks at me. he smiles and hugs me tighter than he already was.

"good dream?" i ask chuckling, i put my hands on top of daniel's arms.

"yeah." he says lazily. he sighed and closes his eyes again. i wish i could stay longer in his arms but it was already a whopping 10:30 am so i really needed to get up. i gently remove his arms from my body and walk into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair. i change my clothes into casual jeans and a shirt and walk out with my phone.

"morning." i say loudly enough for everyone to hear me.

"morning!" everyone says, jonah raising his mug of coffee. i sit on the couch as i wasn't hungry for breakfast yet and go on my phone. i see i had 20 more followers and saw it was all fan pages for why don't we. i follow all of them back and later on seeing a post saying "emerald just followed me." it was honestly the cutest thing.

jack suddenly came closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"can i please talk to me, it's about carly." he whispers gently. i nod and i walk to his bedroom, we close the door and sit on the bed.

"she texted me again em.." he says as his breath was shaking. you could tell he was terrified of this situation and i really didn't know what to do.

"what did she say?" i ask calmly, taking a look on his phone.


"tonight what?" i whisper quietly for jack to not hear but he did.

"to kill me, i'm pretty sure." he says choking on his words as he said the word 'kill'. i look at his terrified eyes and give him a hug.

"let's go." i say.

"where?" he asks quickly.

"to the police station." i say as i grab his hand. we head out and we take an uber to the police station, the boys didn't know this was happening and they didn't know we were heading to the office. i guess i just didn't want to worry them.. about their friend in danger and i wanted to respect jack since he's only told me, i can show him he can trust me.

we walk inside the double doors and were immediately welcomes by a young lady that had her hair tied up in a low bun. she told us to sit on one of the chairs and wait.

"don't be nervous, we've got this settled." i say holding jacks hand. he smiled genuinely and looks down.

"mr. avery?" a police officer says, we get escorted to one of their small offices and sit down behind the officers desk.

"we'd like to report a threading message." he says nervously.
(idk what to report soo..)

the police nods and writes on his notepad.

"from who?" he asks seriously.

"carly flower." jack says quickly, i gave his hand a gentle squeeze. the police officer nods and scribbles down her name.
we explain the story to him, this time jack didn't cry.

"okay well, what we will do.. is something different to what we would usually do.. since she is coming over tonight, we will have 3 bodyguards inside your home surrounding the doors and windows, we will also have 2 police men with them to catch her." the police officer says smiling to himself.

jack nods in agreement. "when you catch her, will she go to jail?" jack asks.

"yes because she has attacked various people and almost murdered them, so that is 5-10 years of jail time." he says calmly.

we nod in unison and thank the officer. we go home with three bodyguards and the police officer said they were coming around 3. i hug jack as we walk towards our uber and head home.

hey guys.. i feel like this chapter is a bit better than my last few chapters, i mean it's more mushy gushy.. :) anyway comment what you think. ALSO THANKS FOR FRESKING 1000 COMMENTS WTFFFFF. okay bye loses :) x love y'all.

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