morning princess

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2nd april ; daniel's birthday

today is the day. daniel's birthday. i quickly jumped off daniel's bed and already started to do my makeup. i was dabbing on my concealer when daniel comes up to me SHIRTLESS and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"morning princess" he says lightly rubbing my shoulders.

"morning, and happy birthday" i say smiling at daniel through the mirror. wow. we're not even dating (hopefully soon) an he's already calling me PRINCESS. ugh my heart can't handle this. he makes my stomach get all twisty.

i blush and he kisses my cheek.

"thanks" he says walking away.

i finish off my makeup and go down stairs to start breakfast for the boys. today was saturday so they all slept in. i looked through the fridge and saw some eggs, bacon and pancake mix. perfect. i started up breakfast and since the smell was taking over the house, the boys hurried down stairs. even jack didn't even put on a shirt yet.

"morning guys" i say finishing up the scrambled eggs.

"morning emerald!! wow you really are a great cook" zach says running to the table and sitting on one of the spinning chairs.

"thanks, can you please set up the table for me? breakfast will be ready in a minute"

"of course" the guys all say in sync. they all grab plates from the shelf and start setting up the table, daniel was still in his bedroom and was probably showering.

"bro jack put on a shirt" corbyn says laughing.

"fine, but just so you know, people do like this view" he says cheekily as corbyn rolls his eyes.

after the boys were done i put all the food i cooked onto the table and the boys all took in a deep breath.

"it smells soooo good" zach says waving his hands to his nose. jack comes back from his bedroom and has a shirt on, unfortunately. (just kidding)

"DANIEL! BREAKFAST! NOW" corbyn said, literally screaming across the whole house. daniel comes in running and panting.

"GEEZ! NO NEED TO YELL I WAS CHANG- wow... that's what i call a breakfast!" he says realising there's food, he grabs a chair and sits down.

"who made all of this?" he asks smiling.

"emerald!" the guys all say. he comes in for a hug.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" the boys all say and me too of course. we all go in for a group hug and sit down. finally, we actually start eating.

"thanks for the breakfast emerald" jonah says patting me on the back.

"it's okay, you guys are already letting me stay over, this is the least i can do"

"come on guys, daniel is gonna open his presents!" jack says waving for us to come over. jonah and i run over to the, and sit on the couch. daniel opens up his presents.. and one of them.. was a c- co- c- cond- condo- you know what i mean.

"real funny guys" daniel says holding the thing and swaying it, looking at it with disgust. the boys all laugh and i just giggle. mature.

me and jonah give daniel his present and he opens it.

"woah, omg it's the shirt i wanted, thank you thank you thank you!!!" he says getting up for a hug, he smiles gratefully.

"no problem" we both say.


after the presents we all went to the park. it was like a 30 minute drive because zach and corbyn really wanted to have a big playground. typical.

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