i believe in you

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31 march

my dad was busy with work so as my mum so they decided that i could sleep over until daniel's birthday, which was in 2 more days, therefore i can hang out with daniel more and i do have to go shopping to get him a present. luckily today is the day.

i get out of bed and wear my hair in a messy bun, wearing ripped jeans and a normal t shirt that's very 90's. i grab my hand bag and get into the van with the boys, i sit in the front with jonah since i get car sick too many times. we arrive at the Los Angeles mall and when we get inside there was just a breezy air and it hits my face since there was air conditioning.

i head into a store that i have never been to before, it was filled with clothes for men, perfect for daniel.

i head over to the area where there were watches and jewellery, i saw a particular watch that i really liked, daniel was also in the store and when i saw him i went up to him, he was looking at a shirt that had a really nice flower pattern on, different from all of his black shirts obviously. he looked at the price tag, $159 dollars? holy crap since when did stores get their prices up?

i looked at daniels face, i could tell he really liked the shirt and i really wanted to get it for him for his birthday but i didn't have that type of money.. for a shirt. i went over to the watch table and i saw a really nice silver watch, it cost $60 dollars, just enough for the watch. i quickly purchased it not wanting daniel to see it. i quickly walked out the store and joined with the rest of the boys.


"hey look! guys there's a singing competition! we have voices, we have moves we can totally win this competition" jack says pointing at the stage getting way too excited.

the boys all got excited and quickly went up and signed their names in, i just stood there with eben and we talked about things, the boys came running back towards us holding all their shopping bags with them.

"okay emerald are you ready?" jonah says out of breath from running.

"uhh.. for what?"

"the singing competition silly!" jonah said while patting my shoulder

"yeah of course! i can't wait to hear you guys sing"

"no no emerald you're joining us" he said smiling.

i start to panic, i couldn't sing for shit, my palms start to become sweaty.

"guys i can't do it, i can't sing"

"what? emerald you're fine" zach says trying to calm me down.

i rub my hands together and breathe in slowly, i shake my head and body. smile emerald.

"okay.. i'm ready" i said half nervous and half excited

the boys cheered, daniel put his arms around me and comforted me, rubbing my back.

"that was an amazing performance shannon deer, now... give it up for WHY DON'T WE!!!"

the boys went on stage and daniel slowly walked with me as the boys lead us.

"it's going to be okay em, you're gonna be great okay? i believe in you" he said with a genuine smile.

i smiled back nervously.

we walked on stage and i could see about 100-200 people watching, i looked at them, their eyes all up on me. i started shaking and looked at daniel. he looked back at me and gave me a thumbs up. i looked up and breathed in and out slowly. daniel came up to me and hugged me, he stood next to me and held my hand.

i smiled, as long as i had daniel with me, it really did boost my confidence.

the song started playing, it was "stay with me" from sam smith.

i was happy the boys didn't choose a fast song since i was too nervous to sing fast. after corbyns line i knew it was my turn to sing, i took in a deep breath and started singing. i had the chorus of the song and after a while i got really confident, i wasn't sure if anyone actually liked my singing, but most people were cheering me on and swaying to the music.

daniel looked at me surprisingly he then smiled. after the song was done, we got off stage and we all went in for a group hug.

"hey.. em, can i talk to you?" jonah asked


he guides me away from the boys.

"i saw you looking at that flower shirt that daniel was looking at.. what if we both chip in and then we both say it's from us?" he asks pleadingly. of course i had to say yes.

"yeah! let's go" we quickly run to the shop and buy the shirt, chipping in our money.

"it looks amazing!' i say holding up the shirt and giving a thumbs up to jonah.

we go back home and i head into the shower and get dressed. we have dinner, talk and laugh. i can't wait until daniel's birthday.


sorry i haven't posted :( okay byeeee i have a really good idea for the next chapter.
ig: jackseav

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