i'm coming don't worry

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my eyes were wide open as i was laying in bed trying to sleep. i needed to come up with an idea that Daniel could get his job back. i hated myself for losing it. i get up and take a shower, it was 2 in the morning but it was summer and i felt sticky. after the shower i see my phone light up.

you awake?



can't sleep


so? why'd you text me

uhh.. idk actually just wanted to check up

thanks but i'm okay, you?

that's good i'm well

well i'm gonna try to sleep, goodnight daniel (:

night em (: ❤️

i lay there on my bed, i was happy that daniel thought about texting me. i fall asleep in an instant because the shower seemed to sooth me.


i wake up to my annoying alarm, it was 6:00 and i had to get ready for school. i get ready wearing a black jumper and blue ripped jeans, my hair is in a messy bun and i put on my glasses. i couldn't be bothered wearing contacts. i go downstairs and eat breakfast, mum and dad was at work so i had to eat alone. as always. i put on spongebob and watch it until it was time for me to head to school. it was 7:30 and i went to the bus stop.

i waited there until this guy came, and i've never seen him before. he was wearing black jeans, grey champion hoodie and he was on his phone. he suddenly bumped into the pole while looking down at his phone, i tried not to laugh but it was literally so funny.

"you know you could've helped me and said 'look! there's a pole' he said coming towards me, he sat down.

"sorry, but if i said that then i wouldn't have laughed, it made my morning" i said laughing.

"i'm nate " he says taking his hand out to shake my hand.

"hey i'm emerald nice to meet you" i take out my hand and shake his.

"are you new?" i said as i pull my hand away.

"yeah.. i'm the new kid, again" he says trying to smile.

"well that's cool. you already made a new friend" i smile at him, he smiles back.

we sit there talking about the weirdest thing, talking about hobbies to instruments to food, fingers, futures and pizza. i met this guy for only 10 minutes and i have already felt like he's my best friend.

we walk to school together because the bus was late, today wasn't that hot so i wasn't sweaty.

i go into class and i found out i was in most classes with nate. i was in science and i start doodling.

"what's that?" he asks pointing at the d.

"oh.. that's a d, for someone special i'm my life" i say, still sketching out the s.

"that's cool, who?" he asks.

"uhh.. no one" i say quickly, i guess he knew that i didn't want to talk about it so he shuffled awkwardly and focused on the teacher.

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