just friends

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I walked up stairs, step by step I became more anxious. If my mum didn't approve then I am dead. Daniel would never forgive me and I would probably get another tutor and be tortured.

As I walked up stairs my mum was standing there, with her business outfit and her high heels. She had to look professional all the time because you never know when an unexpected case comes around. Yes, she's a lawyer. Her outfit made everything way more tense than it already is. The last time I got in trouble was literally last week when I didn't put the cereal box away, and it was only once! I got in trouble because of that one stupid mistake, honestly I'm her daughter and I'm even scared of her, imagine her co-workers! I would probably shat myself.

Finally, I reached to the top, actually the stairs aren't even long I just took a while to explain it. My stomach because twisted and my hands were shaking. She stood there tapping her heels to the floor making it have a click sound. Her arms were crossed and I stood there, and gulped.

"So.. Daniel huh?" She says smirking. I couldn't tell if she was mad or.. maybe even approving it?Her facial expressions were literally neutral.

"Um... yeah.. is it okay?" I say, mid sentence my voice cracked. Are you kidding me Emerald? She just laughed. What? She went to the couch the one upstairs and sat down laughing historically.

"What?" I say, I was so confused I didn't know how to act or what to say.

"Seriously? Daniel? He has noodle arms and twig legs!" She says laughing.

"So? To me he looks perfect" I say wondering why I even said that aloud.

"Honey, You're not dating him right?" She says getting back into her serious mode. I still haven't found out my answer"

"Yes I am, but what's wrong with me dating Daniel?" I say, crossing my arms.

"You're not dating him! Understand? You need to work out your grades and then you will be allowed to do what you want" She says pointing her finger at me.

"But mum! Why did you fire Daniel if you want my grades to be perfect?" I say shrugging and rolling my eyes, her reason is real stupid.

"Young lady don't talk back at me! That's final, get your life and grades together and then we can talk about it. For now, get Daniel out of this house. Now!" She says walking away. My mum has been harsh on me, but I never knew she would ever forbid me and a guy. A tear falls and I think to myself.

"What the heck Emerald? Why are you crying, were fake dating woman" I realised that it was only fake and Daniel would never like a girl like me, after all he suggested fake dating, but why not real? He probably does have a girlfriend.

I walk downstairs and I walk up to Daniel, I see him on his phone, he just liked a bunch of comments from his recent pictures.

"Um.. Daniel? You gotta go.." I say sadly.

"Wha- Why?" He says confused. He got up from the couched and stared into my eyes.

"My mum doesn't approve because of my grades, I'm sorry that she won't let us da- I mean I'm sorry that you can't get your job back, I know it means a lot to you and I'm sorry I failed and-"

"Emerald, It's not your fault I promise, you did the best you can, but I hope we can stay friends?" He says putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Friends? Thanks" Of course we're just friends I mean, Daniel would never ever like a girl that doesn't have good grades and is pathetic.

After we hug and say goodbye he walks out the door. I may never see this boy again but maybe fate will bring us together one day. Just as friends though.


Hey! Thanks for 6K reads! I'm sorry that I haven't been updating, but I've read all of the comments and they are really funny. Thanks guys! I'll be updating really soon!

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