why did it have to end like that

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Emeralds POV
I actually felt so nervous meeting Daniel I over thought about our day. I was scared about my mum's reaction that I had to pep talk to myself through the mirror. I don't like Daniel at all.. do I? I mean he's cute.. but really I only see him as a friend.

The door bell rang and I walked and turned the door knob. I look at Daniel with my eyes sparkling, he was in black ripped jeans and a rolled up long sleeve t-shirt, I mean.. you could see his arm muscles.

I probably looked so stupid like I was drooling or something because he asked if I was okay. Stop embarrassing yourself Emerald, you've done it already so don't do it again. Knowing myself, I think I will sooner or later.

He walked inside my house then slumps on my couch.

"So which movie?" I ask looking through all my movie disks.

"Any" Daniel says looking through his phone.

It just annoyed me that he was the one that wanted his job back and he doesn't even try. So I just put a random movie in and of course it's Titanic. The one where I get so emotional I'll start balling my eyes out and I didn't want Daniel to laugh at me, but it was too late.

"Oh! I love this movie" He says putting his phone away and locking his eyes on the screen.

Later on through the movie his eyes slowly shifted to mine, I felt so much connection and chemistry with him it was unreal. There was like an electric shock going through my body. I loved it.

"No! Ugh why did it have to end like that?!" I say balling my eyes out, at this point Daniel was passing me tissues every minute. His arm was over my shoulder and I couldn't stop crying.

My mum came down stairs and sees Daniel, her eyes go wide.

"Hi?" She says walking down the stairs you could hear her heels clicking really loudly.

"Hi Mrs Sanchez" He says smiling.

"Hi mum, remember Daniel?" I say sniffling.

"Yes.. is he here to tutor you..?" She says looking confused.

"No mum, he's my boyfriend" I say smiling.

"Emerald.. I need to talk to you upstairs now" she says crossing her arms. I knew this was going to be bad.

I get up and walk down stairs, I wipe my nose because my boogers were literally everywhere, I was probably the ugliest crier in the world. I find my mum standing in the hallway upstairs with her arms crossed looking shocked and mad. Is me dating Daniel really that bad?
Yo yo yo sorry I disappeared for a really long time, I just got bored of writing but I'm here to finish the story. Don't worry it's not ending yet. Anyway this chapter is short and you guys don't deserve a short chapter since you've waited so long, but the next chapter should be longer. Again, sorryyyy for not updating in a while I had writers block. SORRY OKAY BYEEE

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