when you're with me

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I came home from school, and I was not looking forward to tutor. I can't believe I still had to do it, I tried everything to convince my parents but nothing worked. Now I can't go out with my friends as much.

I see Daniel sitting near a desk wearing a suit. He's literally my age and he looks like he has his life together already. I've never seen this Daniel guy before, but he's alright looking.

"Afternoon Ms Sanchez" He takes his hand out to shake mine.

I cross my arms and look at him dead straight in the eye.

"It's Emerald" I say rolling my eyes.

"Uh.. okay take a seat Emerald" He says taking a seat next to me.

I sit down and I look at all the papers I have to do.

"Are you kidding me?! All of this?" I shout in disbelief.

"That's just your homework. Here's the actual work you have to do when you're with me" Daniel grabs a bag from the ground and puts in on the desk, he opens the bag and hands me a bunch of papers.

"Nope, I can't do this." I say putting my hands up like I just got caught.

"It's not even that much, and this is all for 2 weeks" He says looking at me.

I had to try to make my dad happy, I know he would be proud of me if I just stuck with it.

"Fineeee" I grab a sheet of paper and read it.


Alright, I could do algebra..

Daniel suddenly starts explaining on how to do it, it seemed pretty easy.


Emerald was really pretty, I was kinda nervous talking to her so I didn't say much but after I started explaining it was much easier. I love her hair and perfume, it was wavy and dark, it would look like she just finished swimming from the beach, and her perfume was sweet but also strong, it really describes her personality.

"Hello??? Daniel? Are you okay? Done staring?" She says waving her hands in front of my face.

"Oh sorry I just zoned out" Things got awkward, but luckily Emerald isn't the kind of person that makes things awkward, we carried on solving equations.

Daniel started staring at me and I tried calling him but he wouldn't budge until I had to wave my hand. I wonder if he was staring at me, did I have something on my face? I just shrug it off and carried on working.

When we were finally finished with 4 worksheets, I got up.

"Want any drinks?" I ask him.

"Sure just a water please, thanks" He says smiling.

I walk off to the kitchen and get water for him, and a lemonade for me. I get back and I trip over his bag, spilling the water and lemonade on Daniel.

"Omg I'm so sorry Daniel!!" I say quickly getting up and grabbing tissues.

"Could you be anymore clumsier?" He says looking at me mad.

Are you serious, he could've said it was okay, it was just a spill.

"Are you kidding me? It was only little, gosh" I fire back.

He gets up and storms off to the bathroom. I get more tissues and clean up the mess I made. I get mad because he literally gets pissed on something small. He comes back with a change of clothes, something more casual. Now he looked like an actual teenager.

He gets more tissues and helps me with the mess.

"Thanks for helping" I say.

"It's alright, it's only a little mess" He says smiling.

He gathers his work and packs it all up.

"Wait where are you heading off to?" I ask looking confused.

"Our session is over" He smiles and walks off.

Wow that was quick. It wasn't that bad actually, I could stand this. I think..


Very quick chapter. Sorry for the late upload. But here you go :) I hope you guys like it xoxo.

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