the decision

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guys WTF we got 40k freaking reads UNO HOW COOL THAT ISSS and 1k votes and comments. WOWOOWOWOWOW OKAY BYEEEE ENJOY READING. X


"mornin, love." daniel says putting a shirt on, my eyes flutter open as i try to look at the light. i sit up, rubbing my eyes with my two hands. daniel sits next to me and looks at me with a serious face. what is it now?

"we need to talk." he says rubbing his hands nervously. i sigh. it's too early in the morning for a "talk" and what's so important anyway? i nod as a signal for daniel to continue. "i'm going on tour." he says trying to smile. a gasp escapes my mouth as i straighten up immediately. i smile straightaway and hug him.

"that's amazing!" i say happily. daniel's smile saddens as he looks down at the bed sheets. i predicted something was wrong but i had no idea, i try to get daniel's attention, finally he snaps his head up and shake his head out of his thoughts.

"yeah.. but emerald.. i don't want to leave you." he finally blurted out. i was shocked to hear this come out of his mouth, it was obvious it was going to be hard for each other but what can i do?

"daniel.. there's nothing i can do, it will only be for a few months." i say trying to think positively but my mind was swarmed with doubts and negativity. he looks back down and his eyes saddens. i hug him tightly as he wraps his strong arms around my body the scent of his shirt smelt like vanilla and a deep scent of lynx deodorant. after we pull away his eyes widens immediately, making his beautiful blue, ocean eyes sparkle, he quickly gets out of bed and kisses me on the cheek.

"get ready i'm going to talk to david." he says closing the door. i sigh and get up, i was upset that daniel was leaving but i was seriously happy for these guys. i brush my teeth, hair and get dressed as well as my makeup. i get out of the bedroom and head over to the guys which were playing a sword fighting game with some lightsabers. these guys can be so immature.

i laugh as i walk pass zach and corbyn wearing "protective armour" which really was a thin blanket covering their upper body. jonah and jack were.. i guess the referees? i sit down and watch them in action as i wait for daniel to come back. a few minutes later daniel comes in running and crashing onto the couch, all the attention was on him so all the boys sit on the couch too.

"boys! i need to talk to you." trying to contain his excitement within him. the boys go inside jonah's bedroom and i guess they were huddling and talking about something important for them to huddle. they come rushing out, excitement grows onto them as they all run towards me smiling.

"how would you feel if you went on tour with us em? zach asks, smiling crazily. they all lean in for my answer and honestly i was gobsmacked by the sudden question. i still had school, i have to ask my parents. it was only for a few months though and it was the summer break. there's always online schooling. i shift uncomfortably as i try to think of my answer but right now i really don't know what it is.

"i have to think about it." i say, the boys all slouch back onto the couch, it wasn't the answer they were looking for. i apologise and i knew i needed to ask my parents. "daniel?" i ask, his head snaps up and his eyes meet mine. "can you please give me a lift home." i ask quietly, i felt bad as daniel had to drive me up and down every time i wanted to go home. he nods quickly and we get up from the couch as he grabs his keys and we head to his car.

we arrive at my house as i take my backpack full of my clothes. i kiss daniel's cheek and enter my front door. i glance around my house and luckily they were both home, i heard some chuckles and i saw my parents watching a film drinking some wine. i take a deep breath.

"i'm home." i quietly say and both of my parents head turns around. they smile at me as i sit next to them on the couch. i sigh as i knew i had to ask them the question whether i wanted to or not.

"what's wrong honey?" my mum asks in concern, after the incident i had with my mother we had a long talk about, luckily she wasn't even mad. we just talked it out and i told her how she could be more supportive of me and happy, whenever she showed it, it didn't look forced which i was gratefully happy and thankful for and we've been doing really well ever since.

"i need to talk to you guys." i say hesitantly, they both look at me in concern trying to read my eyes. "i want to go on tour with the boys." i blurt out. my dad's head snaps up and all his eyes were on me.

"boys?" he asks suspiciously. i nod in return as i twiddled my thumb, something i've been doing quite a lot. he nods and sets his glass of wine on the marble table, so as my mum. they both look at each other and smiles in agreement.

"you can go." my mum says. my mouth was wide open, my jaw resting comfortably on the floor. did they just say yes?! i shook my head as if it wasn't real.

"how was it so easy to decide?" i ask shockingly, smiling like a crazy person.

"you deserve a break em, you have been studying non-stop and your grades have been getting better. it's summer anyway, how long is the tour?" my dad casually asks.

"three months." i quickly reply back, i was so excited to tell the boys. they we're leaving in a week and i knew i had to start packing now since i know i would be procrastinating if i didn't start now.

my parents grin and i hug them immediately, wrapping my arms around the both of them. i run upstairs and instantly pack my clothes i was so eager to tell the boys so i text daniel to pick me up. a few minutes later i hear a horn sound from the car, my head goes up and i look through the window. i smile at daniel but he doesn't notice me.

he was too busy picking his nose.

i make a face and run downstairs, say goodbye to my parents and i hop into the car. "just so you know, i saw that." i say panting and grabbing my seatbelt. he looks at me sheepishly and coughs.

"not like you don't do it." he mutters to himself, obviously i heard it but i didn't want to embarrass him even more so i just chuckled and look straight ahead.

"i have some news to tell the boys." i say excitedly, clapping my hands together. he chuckles and nods, keeping his eyes on the road and his hands on the stirring wheel. we arrive at the boys' house in no time, i step out of the car my mind was filled with thoughts on how to tell the boys, my stomach was swarmed with butterflies. we open the door and the boys are all sitting on the couch on their phones, obviously.

"hey guys.. guess what?"


heyy this is the second last chapter of this book, i love this book but i know that i can write better than this since i've been lazy and rushed this book. let me know if you want a sequel or not because i think i should write one with emerald on tour and her experience with them. thanks for 40K love you all heaps bye xoxo

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