Chapter 24: Nonsense

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Copyright © zylgnagnaba 2013

Niall’s POV

“I’m not late, am I?” I hail breathlessly after I burst in the conference room where the other lads are already seated on the large table, all heads turn to me.

“No. Come in.” Louis waves me in and I take quick strides to sit on a roll chair beside him. I also notice the black haired-girl standing in front of everyone else as she smiles at me rather forcefully, obviously pissed for my interruption at the middle of her discussion.

Louis leans his head in front of me, his sight sharp and darting directly into my eyes. “Where were you?” He whispers harshly while the brunette’s discussion goes on in the background.

I just smile at Louis and he reciprocated with a wicked one, as if he already knew the answer.

“I told you, mate. Slow down on Barbara.” His voice is cautiously low as he teases me. I nudge his elbow, chiding his mischievous thoughts.

I can actually read his mind and not surprisingly, I can affirm his thoughts without even speaking. Yes, I spent the night at Barbara’s. We’re friends but we have the same needs, and we’re not going anywhere further and jump in to a relationship.

“… Mister Horan?” The girl in front snatches me out of my thoughts and I have to blink a couple of times before I can adjust my sight at her. I raise my brows, completely clueless of what she was talking about.

“Pardon?” I beg and I immediately snap my head to the other lads who starts laughing at my expense. When I dart my sight back to the girl, she rolls her eyes at me and sighs in exasperation.

“Let me repeat. As far as the plot is concerned, four out of five has already agreed about it. How about you, Mister Horan? Do you have any questions? Do you wish to alter anything?” She waves her pen in front of herself and she raises one of her brows at me. Her demeanour is quite daunting, if I say so myself.

I gulp before I answer, “No. It’s already fine as it is. It’s brilliant actually.” I purse my lips in a tight line, nodding my head confidently although I wasn’t absolutely being attentive at her discussion earlier. I turn my head to the other side, avoiding her burning gaze. Her personality is really strong and intimidating. My first impression of her is young and carefree as her fresh appearance indicates it, but by the way she talks tells me otherwise.

But maybe she’s just infuriated by my unprofessionalism because the other boys seem eased up at her. Maybe that’s just it. If she’s our director, I’d probably need to give her a different impression the next time we meet.

“Okay. It’s a done deal then. If you have any questions, please contact me before Day 1 of our shoot so the director will still have time for revision. Again, I’m sorry she couldn’t come to meet you today. That’s all for today.  It’s nice to meet all of you.”

So, she isn’t our director. Who is she then?

“Excuse me. I have a question.” I raise my hand so I can catch her attention. I swallow hard as her sight settles on me before I pull my hand back to rest on the arm of my chair. “What’s your name again?”

She lets out a quiet chuckle probably because of my question that has nothing to do to what she was talking about previously. She looks down on herself before she returns her gaze at me. “I’m Jackie Palmer. Assistant Director.”

I nod in understanding, pressing my lips in a tight line as I do so. I flick my head to face Louis after he elbows me. I sigh when he peers at me teasingly. I just know that he thinks I have my eyes on Jackie and I just shake my head at him in mere incredulity. What’s wrong with him thinking I will suck faces off of anything that’s moving?

Louis, you never change.


Bree’s POV

I am busy unpacking the boxes and arranging everything in the apartment, sorting things out as to office and personal stuff. This is the problem when you’re ordered to move without earlier notice and you just jumble things up in boxes and go. I have had to let my assistant go to my meeting for me so I can still have time to organize and settle myself in this foreign place.

I am distracted from my continuous action by the buzzing of my phone. Speak of the devil, my assistant’s icon has appeared on the screen of my phone. I press the answer button before I hold the device against my ear.

“Hey. So how did the meeting go?” I breathe. I wasn’t even aware that unpacking is this tiring.

“It all went well. They agreed on your ideas. I knew it.” Her voice is low, pausing in every end of sentences. If I am watching her right now, I’d see her nodding dramatically. “And oh, your Niall said it’s brilliant.” My heart leaps at the mention of the name. Why does she have to do that? Sometimes, I hate that I treat Jackie as my sister, rather than an assistant because she tends to be annoying sometimes.

My silence causes her to laugh at me and I cringe at myself for reacting this way.

“You know what, Jackie? Screw you. We’ll talk later.” I tell her monotonously and I can’t even believe the sound sifting through the earpiece that I have to put a little distance between the phone and my ear when she starts laughing harder.

“You won’t believe what happened at the meeting today, Miss Lawrence.” I know she’s still in the process of teasing as she refers to calling me by my last name.

“I’m not interested unless it’s about the shoot. I’m sorry, Jackie.” I tell her, sounding like bored but at the back of my head, I am really dying to know what happened—especially when it’s about him.

“Okay. I’ll just shut up. See you later then.” I know damn well that she knows what’s running through my head and she chooses not to speak about it anymore. I know she wants me to ask her what happened, but she also knows I wouldn’t do that. At the end, I’d still be the loser because of my pride.

“Screw you, Jackie.” I mutter under my breath.

“What’s that, Miss Lawrence?” She taunts and I grit my teeth, she’s really getting into my nerves.

“Nothing. See you later. And please, I want Chinese for dinner. Thank you.” Not allowing her to argue more about my food preference, I quickly hung up the phone and I chuckle in victory.



And the A/N is also short. Wahahahah xxD

I’ll try updating tomorrow, so fast bc I wanna start on HMB already.

Please check out my new Zayn fanfic called BLACK! TYSM xx


Glyz <3

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