Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s POV

Where...was I? Ugh, my head hurt and my body ached.

"I see you're finally awake, Princess of Aincrad."
"Who are you?"
"Oh, I'm surprised you don't remember me. Shall I remind you?"

The woman held out a necklace and that was when the realisation hit me like waves crashing against the rocks.


"Come on, (Y/n). It's really fun," exclaimed Misaki, my personal mentor and friend.

I laughed and chased after her. We were playing around in the gardens, like we usually did after our lesson. Every time, I never wanted this happiness to end.

Misaki came from a family very close to mine. Her necklace held the symbol of our relationship.

She took me to the cliff that hung over the ocean. The smell of the salt in the air was refreshing.

"This is where it all ends, (Y/n)."
"M-Misaki, what are you talking about?"
"This is all your fault! If you weren't born then I wouldn't have been downgraded to this lowly position!" she yelled.

Filled with fear, I couldn't do anything. She smirked and grabbed onto my neck. I desperately tried to free myself, but deep down, I knew that I was no match. I was weak, I was useless.

"Misaki, let my daughter go," ordered father.
"If you come any closer, I'll kill her," she said while holding a knife to my throat.
"Glad I brought my own hostage then. Let her go or else I'll kill your sister."

Misaki trembled but still held her position. Her grip on me was tightening.

Her relationship with her sister was like the one I had with my brother. But I knew my father...he wasn't doing this for me, he just wanted power. He had no intention of letting her sister live, she was as good as dead.

"Let her go or your sister dies right now."

Nothing happened, except for the tension filling the air. Misaki used the knife to scratch a little of my neck.

"Misaki, I'm warning you."

She didn't budge, she did nothing except stare at him, hoping that what he said wasn't true.

My father got tired of waiting and stabbed right through her sister's heart. Misaki pushed me to the side and charged at him in anger. In the end, she had run off and that was the last I ever saw of her.

"(Y/n), you're terribly weak. Start training today."

~Flashback end~

"Yes, that's right. So you haven't forgotten about me. I still hate you, and I would love to snap that neck of yours but that'll have to wait."

She walked out and slammed the door. Suddenly, the room was filled with a toxic gas. Damn it, how did she get her hands on this?!

I struggled to get out of the chains. If only I had my katana...

Kirito's POV

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way."

These stupid guards kept coming at me. There was no end to them. Where was (Y/n)?!

I pushed past everyone that came at me and deflected all of their attacks. They really didn't give up, did they?

*sigh* I couldn't believe I'd have to waste my power on a bunch of idiots that did nothing but follow orders.

"Enchanter of darkness, lord of souls: I summon the great power within your demonic soul! Release the seal that binds you and lend me the blade that has slaughtered many! Silent Death, activate: Whirlwind of Souls!"

I stabbed my sword into the ground. In the blink of an eye, a dark tornado had sent powerful attacks towards the guards. They had fallen down, defeated. They stood no chance against me.

"So you're the Black Knight everyone always spoke of. Are you here to save your princess?" asked a woman with long, pitch black hair.
"Shut up, I have no time to talk to someone like you. Tell me where (Y/n) is!"
"That's no way to talk to your elders. I'm afraid she'll be dead very soon."
"What do you mean?!"
"Well, let's just say I specialise in gases and the field of science."

I noticed that she was holding something in her hands...(Y/n)'s katana!

"What did you do with her?!"

I had no time for this. (Y/n) had to be safe, she had to be. Suddenly, the woman clicked her fingers. Two guards dragged (Y/n) out. She was coughing up an endless amount of blood.

(Y/n)'s POV

I could barely move. The coughing hurt like I was dying over and over again.

"I'll...never forgive you..."


"What did you do to her?!"

His eyes were filled with such rage that it even made me afraid.

"Defeat me if you can. I'm the only one with the antidote. But if you don't save her within 10 minutes, she'll die a very painful death," Misaki exclaimed with a smirk.

Kirito wasted no time and within a second, he was already behind her. They engaged in an intense battle. Both were strong and possibly evenly matched.

Damn it...more blood dripped down my chin. The pain spread throughout my whole body. I didn't think I could survive for much longer. Kirito...

Kirito's POV

I picked up (Y/n)'s katana and held it close to the woman's throat.

"Give me the antidote."

She smashed it onto the ground and laughed.

"Only two minutes left, I doubt you can do anything. Nothing can save her now."! I immediately ran up to (Y/n) and held onto her. She was barely breathing.

"(Y/n), wake up! Wake up..."

Unexpectedly, her katana started glowing. It floated into the air and its form as a tiger was revealed. (Y/n) was lifted into the air. The tiger disappeared into her and that was when she woke up. I caught her and her katana before they touched the floor.

"*smiles* Kirito..."
"Don't scare me like that again! I thought you were actually going to die!"

I held onto her tightly. I was never gonna let her go again.

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