Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

Kaito's spells deflected my fire effortlessly. Tch, where did he learn such a thing? Black magic was banned in all three kingdoms. Of course, there were those who used it regardless.

"Once I beat you, I'll strip Kazuto of his belongings and make him beg for mercy. My magic overpowers his lightning," exclaimed Kaito.
"Why are you doing this?! Asuna doesn't love you, she's doing this because you remind her of Kirito! Why trust her?!"
"Shut up! She loves me for who I am! I'm different from him!"

Tch, I could see that. He was very different. Kirito was better, and Asuna didn't love you. Yes, Asuna was made of poison. The words that came out of her mouth were venom and once you believed her, you were allowing yourself to be injected with an incurable poison.

His spells took some time to cast which was, in a way, disadvantageous for him. I threw fire balls at him. Ugh, that stupid shield!

Need a boost in power?
That would be great, thanks Yui.
Just doing what's needed, hehe

I didn't have to wait long before I felt an overwhelming power within my body. Kaito was strong, but now that I think about it...I've never actually fought him in close combat before. Every attack we threw at each other was long range. Was he purposely keeping such a long distance between us?

I summoned Crystal and nodded. She ran in front of me and blocked all the magic attacks. Her body was almost immune to black magic. It held incredible healing power and something similar to purification.

Once I was close enough, I used my katana to slash him. In a split second, he had jumped back a few metres. In his hand were three sharp blades. He threw them at me. Crystal immediately caught them in her mouth.

"You can summon a spirit animal? That's so unfair, why two against one? Should I make it even then?" he asked with a smirk.

Kirito's POV

"Your poison doesn't work against me. Why do you keep trying?"
"I'll prove to you that I'm better than (Y/n). She's just a piece of trash! Why did you choose her over me?! Am I not good enough for you?!"
"You were never good enough and you never will be! Why did you have to bring Kaito into this fight?!"
"*sigh* You're his brother and yet, you seriously don't know? Can't you tell from his anger? He's jealous of you! He always was and always will be! I was the one that helped him so he'll follow my every command."
"What are you talking about?! I left everything for him! Our parents never payed any attention to him, I know that! That's why I left!"
"I think you failed at being a sibling, Kirito."

I clenched my fists and went in for a punch. Usually, I didn't like hurting girls but Asuna was an exception! She was agile but didn't have much skill.

"How very rude of you to attack a lady."
"You're not a lady, so I don't think it's rude."

She immediately pulled her dagger out of William's body and kicked him to the side.

"Why...did you do that?"
"I only-"
"Why did you kill him?! He's dead and yet, you're still thinking of hurting him?! I'll never forgive you!"

Asuna's POV

Kirito looked at me in anger. This was getting interesting. I could finally see what it was like to fight him when he got serious.

I dodged just in time. He was fast, and his attacks kept coming one after another. There was no time to rest. It seemed as if his strength and speed had increased because of his emotions. Well, that was to be expected.

Oi Asuna, what are you doing? Why aren't you using your powers? You know you won't beat him in hand to hand combat.
I know, Mika. Just waiting for the right timing.
What timing? Just do it now!
Shut up.
*sigh* Maybe I should take this power away from you...
Don't you dare.

Tch, she was always annoying me. While Kirito was distracted with attacking me, I covered my dagger in the poison I had made beforehand. Kirito wouldn't be able to survive without my help.

I stabbed him in the stomach when the time came.

(Y/n)'s POV

Kaito smirked. I turned around and noticed that Kirito had been stabbed. Crystal immediately ran towards him. He'd be healed soon.

"Do you think you can actually beat my dragon without your tiger? You think too highly of yourself."
"It's not that I think I can beat you by myself. I can't let another person die because of me."

Suddenly, black chains shot up from the ground and bound my hands and feet from moving. I surrounded my body in fire. The chains weren't burning at all.

"It's no use. I've already analysed your fighting style. It's very similar to your brother's. In fact, I've got him with me right now."

Kaito had him all tied up. Damn it...why hasn't father done anything about this?! Unless...

I aimed fire just above his head. Before it could even reach Shiki, his body dispersed. Just as I thought. He may have met my brother but I doubt father's security was that bad.

"Didn't take you long to realise but it was good as a distraction, don't you think?" Kaito asked.

A distraction? I looked above me and noticed his black dragon. The chains that bound me weren't budging. Damn it...I didn't want to do this but I had to.

Once I released this magic, it would be very hard to control. Crystal came running back and disappeared into my katana. Now, it was time to use it.

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