Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s POV


Tears slid down my cheeks, whether I liked it or not. The pain in my heart was growing. Nothing good was going to happen to me. I felt so helpless...

I wish I had someone to comfort me but that was too much to ask for. Kirito chose to believe her and I was just sitting uselessly in the forest. I wished Shiki was here...

"(Y/n) (L/n)."

I quickly wiped my tears away and stood up immediately.

"There's no need to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you."
"Who's there?"

Suddenly, a glowing light appeared in front of me. The light soon subdued, revealing a little fairy.

"Y-you're a fairy..."
"Yes, we do exist. My name's Yui and I have chosen you."
"Chosen me?"
"Yes, you are the chosen one. Of course, that means you'll be gifted with powers. But..."
"Unexpectedly, the heirs to the three kingdoms all will have their own fairy guiding them. This is the first time this has ever happened, meaning you are not the only heir that will inherit powers."
"Is that true?"
"Unfortunately, yes. This event may change the fate of everyone's lives."
"Have Asuna and the heir to Glocken met their fairies?"
"They will soon but I am not to tell you anymore involving the other heirs. Anyway, aren't you curious to see what powers you'll possess?"
"Yeah I guess."

She gently touched my forehead and in the blink of an eye, my body was in excruciating pain. It was so painful that no screams came out. After what felt like eternity, the pain went away.

"You have been gifted with the power to control fire for you have a courageous mind," she exclaimed with a smile.

Was this real? Was I not dreaming? I pinched myself and it wasn't a dream.

"Go on, try it."

I hesitantly held out my hand and willed the little plant in front of me to burn. Of course, I expected nothing to work and that this was all a joke but what happened after surprised me. The plant burnt in the midst of white flames.

"White flames? Hmm, I see. You seek for justice, am I right? Red flames symbolise love or anger, blue flames mean tranquility while black flames represent the darkness corrupting your heart," explained Yui.
"I see..."

It was getting late so I had better head back to the palace.

"Don't worry about me, no one can see me unless I allow them to."

I nodded and took my time to head back. That whole power thing helped me take my mind off the scenario that happened before.

What power/s did Asuna yet? And who was the heir to Glocken? I wonder if I'd ever see him.

"What were you doing out so late?" Klein asked.
"Just thinking."
"We heard everything that happened between you, Kirito and Asuna," said Andrew.
"Is there a reason for why you attacked?"
"*sigh* Even if I told you, you guys wouldn't believe me. There's no doubt that you'd choose Kirito over me since he's been with you longer than I have."
"Well, that may be true in some cases but I'd like to hear your side of the story," Andrew replied.
"Well, if you insist. I wouldn't have attacked if she didn't start it first. You know the relationship between Kirito and Asuna? It's all an act, she's just using him. From what I can tell, she must hate me and most likely wants to take everything away from me."
"I see."

I was about to go inside until Yui zoomed past and flew away. A while later, Kirito came but she was examining him. What was all that?

"Klein, Andrew, what are you guys doing here?" Kirito asked.
"We were just talking to (Y/n)," answered Klein.

He made eye contact with me but we both stayed silent. Neither of us said anything.

"I'm going to my room."

Without another word, I quickly went inside and shut the door once I got to my room. The tears started falling again. He probably hated me for hurting her...

Suddenly, the door burst open. Asuna came in and sat down on my chair.

"How does it feel? Does it feel bad? He hates you now that you've hurt me," she exclaimed with a grin.
"Shut up."
"Is that any way to talk to a proper princess? Kirito's all mine and I'm going to become the chosen one. You're just a worthless piece of trash."
"Get out. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone."

She got up and walked towards me. Once my back was against the wall, her fingers wrapped around my throat. I smirked.

"Are you going to kill me?"
"Not now but I am going to."
"You don't have the guts so I suggest you give up."
"Just watch me, (Y/n). Once I get my powers, you'll die for sure."

Her hands tightened around my neck but I did nothing to stop her. If I died now, it was going to be her fault. But I knew that nothing would ever go my way.

She immediately let go of me once she heard footsteps.

"Asuna, what are you doing in here?" Kirito asked.
"I just wanted to have a little talk with (Y/n) but she threatened to kill me, saying that I should stay away from you," she replied while running towards him.
"Come on, let's go. You shouldn't talk to someone like her."

He slammed the door shut once they left. I finally let out a breath and gasped for air. Damn it...

"Don't worry, Yui. I'm fine."

I'm fine...I should be fine. Why did I even care so much about what he thought? He hated me so I should hate him. It wasn't my fault that he chose to believe her. Then why couldn't I get him out of my head?...

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