Chapter 20 - Gone

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Hey! I feel sick.

Mitch's POV

It's about a week later when I sit down on the bleachers since the football game just ended. That routine was definitely the hardest one we've done yet.

Kirstie and I laugh as we talk about how one of the girls almost wiped out hard-core in the third quarter. We shouldn't be laughing, but she's such a bitch.

We talk for a good ten minutes before we see the boys come over in fresh clothes.

I smile at seeing Scott in shorts and a tank top. "Hey." I get up, standing on my tiptoes to peck his lips. "I never get to see you in such relaxed clothes, babe."

He laughs. "Yeah. I usually try to stay on the more fashionable side when I put on clothes." He tenses when Avi gives him a slightly weird look, since Scott never seems to care about fashion. "I mean, I just don't want to look like an idiot."

Avi nods in agreement as Kirstie and I look at each other in confusion. We can't wrap our minds around how strange they can act sometimes.

I'm sure they feel the same about us. We're sneaky as fuck, but they know we must be hiding something.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by a hug from Kirstie. I immediately hug back and she smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow, Michelle." She pulls away. "Bye, Scott."

He waves a goodbye to both Kirstie and Avi as they leave, holding hands. They are so cute.

Scott turns to me and smiles. "You need a ride home?"

I smile. "Sure. I'm sore as fuck. That routine is hard." Scott looks at my with a playful smirk. "You know what else is hard?" He asks jokingly.

"How I'm about to punch you?" I say in the same joking tone, playfully punching his arm.

He pouts. "Owie." I roll my eyes. "That did not hurt and you know it."

My tall boyfriend keeps pouting. "Baby.." He whines jokingly.

I look around and notice that we're pretty much the last people near the field.

"Yes, Scottland?" I say with a long sigh, unable to stop the huge smile on my face from showing.

"Kiss it better." He says, not dropping the pout for a second. I laugh and gently kiss his bicep. "Better?"

Scott smiled widely and nods, laughing.

I smile and shakes my head fondly. "You are such a good ball." Scott gently grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers as we walk to his car.

"But I'm your goofball."


The next few days are as happy and carefree as the night of the game. Scott and I go on a date or two, I hang out with Kirstie, and right now I'm hanging out with Kevin. It's been fun.

Kevin has been trying to teach me to beat box for the past 45 minutes and I still think it's as horrible as when I first started.

"You know what, Kevvy? I think I'll leave the beat-boxing to the professionals." I laugh.

He chuckles. "Alright. I can't force you to learn if you don't want to."

I smile at how understanding and smart he is. Kevin is awesome. I know that, even if we've only hung out like five times.

"So, when are you planning on yelling me your secret?" He asks casually.

My head snaps towards him, my breath knocked out of me just by his words. "What?"

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