Chapter 7 - Spilling The Tea

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Hey! You guys are so supportive of this story and I'm so happy. I love y'all!

Also it rained like all night and and I'm happy because my family farms and ranches so we need rain really bad. New Mexico is always in a drought. We got just over 3 inches (wink) and maybe now our wheat won't die and we won't be poor as fuck.

Mitch's POV

I let what Scott just said sink in, my cheeks turning more red by the second.

That's means he totally hitting on me, right?

"Really..?" I whisper.

He nods a little, a pink tint to his cheeks as well. "Yeah." He says softly, straightening his back a bit in an attempt to look more confident.

I smile shyly and Scott smiles a bit nervously. "Do you want to go on an actual date sometime?"

He just asked me out? I'm going to scream.

Blushing deeply, I nod a little. "I'd love to." He smiles brightly. "Awesome. We can pick a time and place later."

Since I had given up on paying, he put the money with the bill.

He glances at the clock. "It's 1:15. I have to babysit my nephew at 1:45. Do you mind if I go drop you off now?"

I smile. "That works." We both stand up and head out to the car, Scott opening the door for me again.

Just when I didn't think it would be possible to say thank you any more today, he opens the car door for me as well. "Thank you." I giggle.

Not like I'm going to complain about him being a gentleman.

We got in the car and he drove me home. On the way, he told me about his nephew. His name is Landon and I bet he's just as sweet as his uncle.

Once we get back to my house, I look at him and smile. "Thanks for taking me out and buying me lunch." I say softly.

He smiles. "You're welcome. It probably won't be the last time. At least I hope it's not." I blush slightly and smile.

"It won't be, I promise. I'm paying next time though." I giggle. He rolls his eyes. "That's a battle you probably won't win, Michelle." I shrug and smile. "I'll get you one of these days."

He laughs a little and I giggle. "Bye, Scotty." He smiles brightly, his cheeks turning pink from the name I called him. "Bye, Michelle. Text me?"

My cheeks start feeling warm again and I smile wider. "Of course." I say as I get out and he smiles. "I'll be waiting."

I blush as I shut the car door, smiling at him once more before going inside.

As soon as the door closes, I throw my purse down on the small table. I immmediately take out my phone and sit on the couch, looking at what Kirstie said to me.

Kirst: Omg!

Kirst: Text as soon as you're done.

Michelle: Girrrlll.

Michelle: I got back. Do you wanna come over and talk about it?

Kirst: Fuck, yeah! I'll be over in ten.

Michelle: Ok.

I smile widely. I get to hang out with my crush and my friend on the same day?

I've never had either of those up until this point. I'm so lucky to have them, even though I'm not sure how long these friendships will last.

While I wait for Kirstie, I look at my reflection in the TV, making sure that everything looks right. I also touch up my lipstick and I'm fixing my hair when I hear Kirstie knock on the door.

There's no way that she got here in more than six minutes.

I smile and get up, opening it. "Hey!" I smile widely, hating that I probably sound way too excited.

Kirstie smiles and goes in. "Hey, girl!" We sit on the couch and she looks at me excitedly. "Spill the tea for the second day in a row."

I smile shyly. "Not a lot happened. The highlight of it was when we were done eating and I told him that I would pay."

She smiles. "What did he say?" I blush. "He said that he should pay because he's the one who asked me out. I told him that he shouldn't have worded it that way."

I watch the look in her eyes intensify. "He said, 'Maybe that's why I was implying.' I died."

Kirstie squeals. "Oh my God! What happened after that?"

"He asked if I wanted to go on a date sometime." I giggle.

She smiles widely. "What did you say?" I roll my eyes playfully. "What do you think I said?"

Kirstie laughs. "I'm assuming you said yes." I laugh. "Duh! He's literally amazing."

"Yeah, but so are you." She says. "No, I'm really not." I say softly.

She smirks. "Yeah? Then how did you manage to make your crush want you in a matter of three days. You just started talking to him yesterday."

"Shut up, he probably just feels bad for me. He couldn't like me in in a hundred years, let alone three days." I say softly.

She shakes her head. "Scott Hoying doesn't date to fuck around. He only dates people that he has feelings for. He's not like all of the other fuck boys."

I smile shyly. "You really think he likes me?" Kirstie rolls her eyes. "You think that all of that flirting was without explanation?"

Shrugging a bit, I blush. "Sorry, I'm kind of stupid.." I whisper.

The girl sitting across from me shakes her head. "No.. You're definitely not stupid.." She whispers.

"You're insecure."

I'm tired and it's still raining. I think someone is stuck in the muddy ass road, but it's like 11:00 at night, everyone else is asleep, and that person shouldn't have gone 50 miles per hour down a dirt road that is partially under water. Some people, I'm telling you.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Please tell me what y'all think of the chapter and please vote! I know that this one is shorter than normal. I'm just exhausted and feeling really sad, to be honest. I love you guys! <3

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