Chapter 37 - Anger

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Hey. I'm sorry that updates are little slow. I'm trying to keep my YouTube channel on a schedule and do choir stuff. I've been buried in schoolwork. My grades are also dropping, which is scary because I usually have a GPA that's technically above 4.0.

I'm trying here, guys.

Mitch's POV

After Scotty and I have a long cuddle session, he helps me gather my bag before driving me to school for practice.

He said that he was going to be there to watch anyways, so what's the point of making me walk?

I gave in, even though I wanted to walk. Quite honestly, I think I need it. I'm getting chubbier and I hate it.

I'll figure something out though. I won't let it get out of hand.

Scott gently grabs my hand as we walk out the door together.

Being the gentleman that he always is, he opens his car door for me, earning him a giggle and peck on the cheek from little ol' Mx. Grassi, herself.

As we buckle and he drives, I remember when I first explained to Scott that there's more formal prefixes other than the common ones.

He said that he loved the way 'Mx. Grassi' sounded.

That's one of the many things that I absolutely adore about Scott. The fact that he shows interest in the things that matter to me and he takes an effort to learn about it and understand it.

I don't think that Scott could possibly get any more perfect. I feel like designed him in a lab or something.

He really is the perfect guy.

By the time that my lovestruck thought process finally snapped, we had already arrived at the football field.

As soon as we get out, I'm go next to Scott. He holds my hand, intertwining our fingers. "Hey, calm down, gorgeous. Everything will be fine. I'll be on the bottom row I'd the bleachers so you can come see me whenever you need to."

I nod and hug him tightly. "Thank you." I whisper. "I love you. A lot."

Scott breaks out into a shy smile as he hugs back. "I love you too, Mitchie."

They pull apart enough to actually move and share a quick kiss before parting ways.

I begin walking towards the locker room, but stops in his tracks and goes to Ms. Kelly first.

Of course, I can already feel my anxiety rising, but I try to push it away.

"Ms. Kelly?" I ask quietly.

She looks at me and smiles. "Hey, there. What do you need?"

I take a small, yet shaky breath. "Um.. Do I still change in the female locker room..?"

Ms. Kelly, who has known that I am a male since I first came here, nods and smiles reassuringly. "Just stay in there sweetheart. The boys locker room is locked and I'm sure that everything will continue to be fine."

I nod and smile a little. "Oh, and I get to keep wearing the female outfit, right?"

She smiles and nods. "Of course."

I smile a little, knowing that this will be a lot easier than I thought.

Scott's POV

The next day, we have a home game against another team who has been one of my schools main rivals for decades.

If I'm being completely honest with myself, I don't really like football. I never loved it, but I thought that it would benefit me in some way.

All its really doing right now is making me feel a bit sad. My teammates have been looking at me weirdly since I came out. One or two have called me some slurs, but other than that, it isn't too bad.

Mitchie definitely has it worse than me. I can't always be with him to protect him. He's my fragile little baby and he can't fight back. It scares me to death having to leave him alone.

Even when he isn't in danger, I hate leaving him alone. The constant practice and dissection of each play the coach wants us to do takes up too much time.

I don't like being away from my baby for so long. I feel like I'm neglecting him, even though I can't control it.

That is why I've decided to quit after tonight's game.

I can't let my coach down on game night, so I'll stay for this last game.

Soon enough, the game starts and our team starts out pretty well. Both our team and theirs were tied at the end if the first quarter.

Everything seems okay until we begin to fall behind. Suddenly, our team is behind by fourteen points.

After the second quarter ends, we go into half-time. We get lectured by our coach for about fifteen minutes before he tells us to cool off outside.

My team heads outside and seats themselves on the benches. I move over to the benches close to the cheerleaders so I can see Mitch.

They were taking a break since they did their part of the halftime show with the band and the dance team is now dominating the field.

I look around for Mitch and frown when I see that there are quite a few football players from the opposing team standing with our cheerleaders.

When I finally spot Mitch, I see some of the players checking him out, not realizing that he's a male.

Before the anger can even register in my brain, one of them puts his hands on Mitch's hips from behind.

I see my boyfriend instantly stiffen before turning to see who's touching him.

Mitch lets out a small squeal as he swats the guy's hands away. "Stop! I have a boyfriend!"

The guy laughs and he bites his lip as he notices Mitch's perfectly flat chest and slightly masculine facial structure.

His eyes widen. "Woah..."

That guy steps back as another laughs. "Look at that! Martin High has a fag cheering for them!"

That was enough for my body to catch up with my brain and I surged forward to interfere, but Avi holds me back as they continue berating him.

"Scott! What are you doing? You look pissed." He asks worriedly.

I look at him as I take a deep breath. "Those dickwads from the other team are harassing my baby!" I say aggressively, basically shaking in anger.

Avi bites his lip and looks back at the rest of the players heading back to where they need to be. Half-time is over.

He sighs. "We can't confront is right now, Scott. You need to wait until after. They aren't messing with him anymore, Scott."

I look back, seeing Mitch trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes as he gets into position with the rest of the team.

My heart breaks a little as I turn back to Avi, the sadness only fueling my anger.

"We're going to fucking wreck their team. I promise you that."

I think I like this chapter. I don't know. It's not the worst, that's for sure.

Question: Do you think and Kirstin and Jeremy are still together?

Answer: I don't know if they are still together. I'm hoping that they are, but I highly doubt it, especially after Jeremy's tweet. Sadly, I think jerstie is dead.

I know that updates haven't been as quick lately, but I promise it will get better soon. I will still have videos up on my YouTube channel, MitchieScotty, if you'd like to check it out.

Thank you for reading. Please tell me how you felt about this chapter and maybe leave a vote too. I love you guys! <3

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