Chapter 40 - New Guy

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Hey! It's been a while *cough, cough* four months *cough, cough*, but I finally think that I am getting to a point where I can update again.

I'm back, baby!

P. S. PARCC Testing starts today and I want to die.

Mitch's POV

I wake up on the Monday morning after Friday's game, instantly sighing when I register that there's school today.

After a few minutes of laying there and letting my eyes adjust to the light, I get up and take a shower.

Once I get out, I decide I want a more boyish look, but with some mascara and pink tinted lip gloss.

I go to my closet and find some blue skinny jeans, one of my looser pairs, but definitely still clinging to my skin a bit. After putting those on, I grab a white tank top and put in on, followed by Scott's 'flawless' flannel.

He left it here and I really wanted to wear it. Besides, I always look cute in his clothes.

A quick glance at the clock told me that I was going to be late if I didn't hurry.

I apply the small amount of makeup I felt like wearing today, barely picking up my bag before hearing Kirstie's car honk.

"Fuck, I need to hurry more next time..." I mumble to myself as I run down the stairs.

I smile at Mike as I go to the door. "Bye, Dad! I'm running late, so I'll see you tonight."

We exchange 'goodbye's and 'I love you's and then I run to Kirstie's car.

I smile at her as I get in and put on my seat belt. "It's a good thing that I have a friend like you who keeps me on track. I would have been super late without you."

Kirstie laughs as she begins to drive. "What else are friends for?"

Thanks to Kirstin's crazy driving, we managed to get to school with a little more than five minutes to spare.

"Oh, by the way, will you come with me to get my hair cut layer this week? I might get it dyed too." She asks hopefully.

I nod. "Sure, Kit. Anything for you." I say with a smile as we get out of the car.

We went inside and to our lockers, where we knew that most of our friends would be waiting for us.

I run over to Scott and hug him, always excited to see him. He laughs and hugs back, kissing my head. "Good morning, handsome."

A large smile comes onto my face as look up at him. "Morning, beautiful."

Scott smiles wider and gently pecks my lips before we part.

I look at our friends and greet them, seeing a new face next to Kevin.

Apparently, my curiosity was pretty obvious. Kevin smiles and steps over so that the new guy has the spotlight.

"I knew you'd eventually notice him." Kevin laughs, "This is Matt Sallee. He just started going to school here on Friday afternoon. He was home schooled for quite a while."

Matt smiles, albeit a little shy, and waves a bit.

"I've known him for a while because he always goes to the library on the same days as me, so we've gotten to know each other pretty well." Kevin says with a wide smile.

Scott and I both nod once Kevin is done with his little speech.

He looks at us, then back to Matt. "You don't have to be shy around all of them. They are the nicest people in the school and they won't let anyone mess with you if they can help it."

Kevin seems so close to him. It really makes me smile.


A few days gave passed and our entire group has noticed that Kevin has barely been hanging out with us.

He's been with Matt. All week.

I haven't seen him since Monday and that's a little annoying. Kevin is one of the few people that keep me sane, so I need to make sure that he's not mad at us or anything.

I decided that the whole school week was enough time to let him have some space, so I caught him before he left school on Friday.

"Hey, Kevin!" I say with a smile, a little out of breath from running down the hallway.

He smiles back as he close his locker. "Oh, hey Mitch. What's going on?"

I stabilize myself on the locker since I'm still out of breath. "I was just wondering what's going on with you. You've been distant from everyone else all week."

Kevin smiles apologetically and shrugs. "I'm sorry. I've been hanging out with Matt a lot and trying to figure some stuff out. I'll be more involved with you guys next week."

I nod and smile a little. "Promise?"

"Promise." Kevin chuckles and gives me a hug.

I hug back and pull away with a smirk.

"So... You and Matt, huh?'

His cheeks tint the slightest bit red as Kirstin caches up with me.

"Damn, Mitch. Why were you in such a rush?" She laughs.

I giggle. "Sorry, Kit. I just wanted to talk to Kevin. We can get going now."

Kirstin and I go to her car and start talking about what she should have done to her hair.

"So, I was thinking that I should get it cut up to a few inches past my shoulders and dye it a blue-toned black color. What do you think?" She asks.

I look at her for a moment, imagining how it would look.

"That would look amazing on you! Definitely do that." I say excitedly.

She smiles widely. "I knew that you would love it, Mitchie."

I smile and look out the window as we drive to the salon, absent-mindedly playing with my hair.

My hair has so many problems. It's really thin, it's been fried to death by my flat iron, and I've had the same hairstyle for a long time.

Kirstie snaps me out of my thoughts when we get there.

"Hello? Earth to Mitchie!"

I look at her and blush slightly. "Oh, sorry, Kit."

She laughs. "It's fine, girl."

We both get out and begin walking into the store. "What were you thinking about so intently?" She asks curiously.

I bite my lip for a moment, look at her after a moment.

"I want to shave my head."

I finally have a new chapter! I feel like it's kind of all over the place, but that's okay.

Question: What do you want to see in this story? Anything ideas, new characters, or conflicts that you would like to read about. I could use them for any story, so you don't have to make it specific to this one.

Answer: I want to do some depressing stuff, but it's so happy that I feel bad doing it, haha.

Thank you for reading this! Please vote and leave a comment telling me your thoughts on the chapter. I love you all! <3

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