Chapter 32 - Tired of Hiding

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Hey, guys! Thank you so much for 30K reads and 3.45K votes! Wow, that's crazy.

This book was only posted almost three months ago. I averaged 10K reads per month and that is amazing! Not to mention that you guys helped me get over 1K votes per month. Thank you!

P.S. I love Future Friends so much! I'm living. My favorites are Guy.exe and Fantasy, but also Deny U and Keep Me Coming. Ugh, they are so damn good. Mitch's little talk in Guy.exe? Fuck. What are your favorites?

Mitch's POV

I smile widely as Scott and I finish the sandwiches he made us.

This is so cute. I've only been on a few dates, but this is the best one ever. It was so sweet and creative of him.

I love my boyfriend. He's perfect.

Scott smiles and points at the sunset we see in front of us. I look at it and gasp, smiling peacefully. "Wow, it's gorgeous, Scotty."

He smiles. "Just like you."

I look over at him with a giggle, my cheeks tinted pink. "I love you, you dork." He smiles widely, his pale face turning red as well. "I love you too."

When the sun finally went down, star started showing up more and more. Scott and I laid down, his head resting on the pillows, but I preferred his chest. I like being able to listen to his heartbeat. It calms me.

Scott smiles as he holds me. "Baby, look at the stars."

I do as he says and smile. "They're so bright." He nods and begins pointing out the constellations that the could find. I can't even describe the level of excitement he had when he found Orion.

God, it was so cute.

We spent hours just cuddling underneath the stars. I don't think I would trade this moment for anything else.

Before I knew it, I was dozing off. I felt Scott kiss my forehead gently before holding me closer. "Go to sleep baby. I'll take care of you and get you home soon."

I smile tiredly and nod, drifting off to sleep.

When I begin to wake up again, we aren't in the back of the truck anymore. I'm in the passenger seat and we're driving down the streets of Arlington.

Scott notices that I've begun to wake up and smiles. "Hey, there, baby. Did you sleep well?"

I nod sleepily and smile. "Mike said you could sleep over, if you'd like." Scott says softly.

More cuddling with Scott? Sign me the fuck up.

"Please." I sat with a smile as I rub my eyes. He smiles as he turns down onto the road that he lives on. When we pull into the driveway and park, he gets out and opens the door for me.

I smile, about to thank him when he picks me up and carries me into the house.

He smiles and kisses my forehead as giggles escape my lips. "Thank you, Scottland."

Scott smiles and lays me on his bed. "Do whatever you need to be comfortable, babe. Are you okay with me being in only boxers?"

I nod and smile. "God, I love cuddling with you when you're shirtless." I giggle.

He smiles and laughs as he strips down to his underwear. "Want one of my shirts, Mitchie?"

My eyes light up and I nod. "Please."

I strip off my jeans and shirt, putting on the giant t-shirt once Scott tosses it to me.

We both lay in bed with each other and I cling to him. He wraps him arm around me, making me feel safe.

After a while of just cuddling in silence, Scott speaks up.

"Baby, I'm so tired of hiding.."

I frown and look up at my boyfriend from my head's previous position in his chest. "Hiding what?" I ask, genuinely worried about my boyfriend's well-being.

He bites his lip. "Us.. I want to be able to go out with you and have you be confident without pretending to be someone you're not.."

I smile softly. "Scotty, it's really-"

"Mitchie, it's not ok.. You're always your happiest when you can be you.. When it's just you and me.. Or our friends who know.." He whispers.

Scott sighs. "It's just.. You look amazing either way and I love you no matter what, but I just want to be able to flaunt you as who you really are.. My beautiful boyfriend.."

Our eyes lock and I whisper. "You want to come out..?"

The big blonde nods a little as he holds me and I smile slightly. "Then let's do it." I say softly with a growing smile. "I trust you, baby."

"We can do it, gorgeous. Together." He whispers, pressing a gentle and loving kiss to my lips. I kiss back, loving the connection that we have. A connection where we can feel each other's every emotion. It's indescribable.

Scott pulls away after a moment and smiles at me with obvious love in his eyes.

"I love you so much.." He whispers and I smile widely, the same love shining equally in my eyes. "I love you too."

I peck his smiling lips before laying my head on his chest.

Are we actually going to do it? If Scott comes out as gay, it could ruin his reputation. It could also lead people to make fun of him, which wouldn't make either of us happy.

Then there's my risks. If I come out as not only a male, but a gay male, who knows what will happen to me.

I'm probably going to start being bullied again and possibly beat up as well.

Scott will protect me though. He wouldn't let anyone hurt me without going through him first. I'm so lucky to have him. All that matters is that we have each other.

I rid those thoughts from my mind as sound of his heart beat reassures me that everything will be okay, no matter what happens.

I've noticed that there aren't as many people voting for my story or commenting on each chapter. I don't know if it's gotten boring or bad or something. Please tell me if you don't like the story anymore.

Question: Should I end the story soon or keep it going longer?

Answer: I want to keep writing it, unless you guys aren't interested in reading it. I wanted to get to at least forty chapters, but I don't know if you guys like this story anymore. A lot of the people who would comment on every chapter haven't for weeks.

Thank you for reading, guys. Please vote and tell me what you thought of the chapter. I love you guys. <3

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