A Year Later

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Elena was thriving the best she could. Her human life was short lived because of Rebekah and Klaus' returning to town. The poor girl had been through enough. Her sire bond to my father had been causing problems lately. I could tell that she was trying to fight through it, but my father was worrying himself apart from her. He though that she was having these feelings because she was sired to him. "Dad?" I asked coming into his room. "What is it?" he asked looking at me from his bed. He hadn't been awake long and I had already watched Elena leave. "Can I talk to you?" I asked looking at his face. "Sure." He moved over and patted the spot on the bed. I walked over and climbed in beside him. He started to stroke my hair in a fatherly way. "I missed this," I said softly. He just grunted. "If Georgina would have let me see you then maybe we wouldn't have been in this mess," he said. "Don't blame my mother, it wasn't her fault that you got caught up with Katherine," I said growling playfully. He laughed. "Elena loves you because she actually does," I said coming right out with what I wanted to talk about. He was quiet for a moment and the strokes on my hair had stopped. "What do you know about her feelings toward me?" he asked. "I know that she loved Stefan in the beginning. But, unlike Katherine she didn't belong with him. She knew it in her heart the first day she met you and wasn't compelled to forget. Dad, she really loves you. Don't push her away because you think it's the sire bond," I said. He just scowled at me as I turned to look at his face. "Come on, get dressed. Tell Elena we're going out of the country for a few days and that she is more than welcome to come," I said sliding off the bed. "Where are we going?" Damon asked. "To see your descendants," I said walking out of the room.

I watched as the plane slowly descended from the sky. We were traveling to Ireland. It was a truly beautiful country and the scenes were to die for. "I thought you said we were going to visit family?" Damon asked as we got off the plane. "We are," I stated calmly. "Let's go before anyone that is supernatural sees us. God forbid Klaus or any others have followed us here," I said lowly. I had been keeping a watch ever since we had drove out of Mystic Falls. I knew it was only a matter of days before I would have to leave. I wanted to see my family before I had to go be with Klaus. We drove for miles before finally stopping at a huge farm house. "How many people live here?" Damon asked. "About 24. The genes have showed themselves only in a few of my descendants throughout the generations. Any of those that have them, they come here to live, as a pack. I imagine that now their full powers have came into play they are a pack," I said. He just nodded and I got out of the car. I went straight to the door and before I even reached the porch the front door was opened and three young children rushed out to meet me. "You're here!" they squealed excitedly. "How'd you know we were coming?" Elena asked frowning. "Our mom, she sees things," one said smiling. "Hello, you must be Melanie's children," I said looking at their faces. There were three children. Two boys and a girl. "We're triplets," one boy said laughing. "Where's your mother?" I asked. "Inside, with everyone else, waiting on you," the other boy said. They led us in the house. "Mother?" a voice asked from the kitchen. I rounded the corner and there was my beautiful daughter. "Nova," I breathed. Damon and Elena had stopped behind me and was staring at the people that crowded the living room. "Everyone, I would like you to meet, my father, Damon Salvatore," I said. He stood there for a moment and his throat tightened. "These are all descended from you?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. "You have seen at least everyone here once. They have been keeping watch over you. Protecting you at every turn. That was until you returned to Mystic Falls and then I took over," I said. He looked around him. "Katherine?" one girl asked looking at Elena. "No. This is Grace's last remaining descendant. Her name is Elena," I said. That's when everyone started to come forward and introduce themselves.

"Nova, I'm your granddaughter," my daughter said coming to look at Damon. "I'm sorry you couldn't meet Ian, you would have liked him," she said softly. "Okay, so for everyone else this is exactly the order you see. There are twenty four people here, some of us are siblings. Nicole and Brittany are twins, they belong to a werewolf and me. Nick and Sabin are twins, they belong to Nicole and a vampire. Eli, Russell, and Whiet are triplets, they belong to Sabin and a werewolf. Micky, Violet, and Dawn are also triplets and they belong to Whiet and a werewolf. Rosaline, Caleb, and Ross are triplets and they belong to Dawn and a vampire. Heidi, Elizabeth, Paris, and Georgia are quadruplets who belong to Ross and a human. Brett, Gracie, Julie, and Ben belong to Georgia and a vampire. Layla belongs to Ben and a werewolf. Melanie belongs to Layla and a warlock. The eleventh generation has arrived as you can see. Melanie had triplets with a warlock. Their names are Melody, Michael, and Marshall," Nova explained. "You all are my descendants?" Damon asked. "Family was closer than you think," I said smiling. "Are you going to keep them hidden?" Elena asked frowning. "No. They are coming back with us. But, the triplets and Melanie will stay with one of us at all times. Klaus wants to know about his family, he will. Everyone here can shift into a wolf. They are hybrids by birth. It's time we went home," I said smiling. The rest nodded and we prepared for our trip back.

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