Voo Doo and the Dead

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We stared as Silas entered the courtyard. "Well well well. It seems that the gene of doppelgangers will continue on. Elena carries one that could give life to both of the doppelganger's genes," he said smiling. "And our dearest Tala, she carries one as well," he said turning to look at me. "What do you want Silas?" I growled. "You knew I was coming. You could have fled. Why did you stay? You've known your true fate since the day you were turned," he said. I looked at his face and frowned. "My poor Tala. So much like my love. You share her blood. Tala, you know why I've come," he said softly. I stared at his face and then without warning he was in front of Jackson. Before I could figure out what he was doing his hand shot into Jackson's chest and the next moment Jackson was laid on the ground. His heart was literally in Silas' hand.

"NO!!" I screamed. My knees hit the bricks before I could catch myself. Silas had killed my true mate. He dropped Jackson's heart in front of my face and smiled wickedly. Klaus shot up from his slumber toward Hayley. "Calm down hybrid. I'm not here for your child. Someone that wants it will come later," he said. I looked up. Elena and her child was in grave danger. "Elena and Damon created a child that was of my line and Tatia's line. I think it fitting because the doppelgangers didn't end up together. But I have returned to take the child," he said. "It could become too dangerous. It can't be born," he said. Damon frowned. "Then why didn't you come for Tala?" Damon asked. Silas turned to me with a confused look. "You don't share the two bloodlines," he said. I looked at his face and realized for the first time that Silas had no idea of my true heritage.
"My father is Damon Salvatore. My mother was Georgina Flemming," I said. He stared at me. "That's impossible. You share blood with the original family," he said. "Tatia used Ester's blood to create me. I share blood with them all," I said smiling. Silas stared at me and then at my stomach. His eyes glazed over and his next words chilled me to the bones. "The child you carry will bring grave danger to those that betray it. But, if what is coming gets here at the right moment it will be the greatest protector ever seen." Then his eyes returned to normal and he looked at my face. "Good luck my survivor," he said and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
The whole family was quiet and then I looked back at Jackson. My heart started ripping apart. The mate bond was pulling apart. I let lose a howl that was blood curling. "Sister. It shall be okay. Focus. You must keep that baby alive," Klaus said laying his hand on my shoulder. I stared at my dead mate. That's when I heard the wind pick up. I looked over my shoulder at where Silas had disappeared. There stood a woman. She was blonde headed and beautiful. "Freya," I whispered.

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