Let the Blood Flow

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Everyone stared. Klaus was shocked and the female werewolf named Hayley stood behind his protective stance. "What is going on?!" Elijah asked entering the room. Marcel,  the son that Klaus had made by venom was watching as well. He was always there, observing, watching as the siblings fought against one another. "I was supposed to marry Hayley. Her parents and mine were alphas of big packs and they thought that by combining the packs they would be able to survive," he said. I stared at his face. He was beautiful and I could tell that he had never known that the legends could be true. "It is rare for werewolves to find their true mates. Most never do in these times because the vampires almost hunted them to extinction. When I roamed the earth a few decades ago the wolves held a big gathering once a year to let all newly turned wolves have a chance of finding their true mates. I never found mine," I said lowering my voice. He stared at me. "Niklaus!" I growled turning to look at his face. "Let him go. I swear if you harm him in any way I'll find you and kill you myself," I snarled glaring at his face. He tilted his head toward me.

"For you not to have embraced your werewolf side you seem to know a lot," he said. I stared at him. "After Katherine turned me she knew what I was. She took me to a pack of wolves and I learned the oldest ways possible. Klaus, I know that the girl carries your baby. I know that Hayley is special to you but you think she deserves better. The daughter that Hayley carries will be your saving grace Klaus. Protect them and care for them. Hayley, there is something that you must do. If you wish to save the packs that you were born into you must relish your title to another alpha female," I said. Her eyes tinted green for a moment. "Pull yourself together Hayley. You can't lead when you have a child that is a hybrid and a mate that is one," I said. "Jackson can't either!" she insisted. I looked at her face. "I don't have enemies that have been after me for eons. I will lead them well and live my life in peace. Hayley all you have to do is give your crown up," I said. Hayley frowned. "You're not an alpha female though," she said. "I am. I am the last wolf left of the Salvatore bloodline, I was the descendant of the last alpha. I am alpha by right of birth and blood," I said holding my head high and letting my eyes shine.

Klaus stared between us. Elijah stood beside his brother and waited. "Jackson and Marcel you must step outside for now," I said. Jackson and Marcel slipped outside. "Family matters are always hard to deal with," I said bringing my claws out and looking at the tips out of them. "Elijah, we all know that you feel something for Hayley. You do know that you can't do anything sexual with her until that baby is born. She is the rightful mate to Klaus. If she were to interact with another male, or break the mate bond outright, she would lose that pup," I said. They stared at me. "What exactly are mates for?" Elijah asked. "Weakness," Klaus growled. "Speaking of mates, where is Ben?" I asked frowning. "On the run from our dear brother. Rebekah knows where he is though," Elijah said. "What did you do?" I asked looking at Klaus. "I killed Ian," he said flatly. I immediately turned to look at his face. "A traitor doesn't deserve to live," Klaus said. I pulled back my lips. "Mark my words Niklaus, you will pay for what you have done. That child will come to term and she will grow, but on her fourth birthday she will die. I will give you three good years and then you will lose your salvation," I snarled. His eyes turned to gold immediately. I let back a howl and Klaus shot forward. He slammed into me so hard that we went straight through the brick wall. New Orleans hadn't changed since the 40's. I ended up landing on top and we grappled for a while. Elijah, Marcel, Jackson, and Hayley watched from the balcony. 

"What are they fighting about?" Marcel asked. "She had twins with Ben, a werewolf. Nova lived but Ian was thought to have died. It turns out that Ben had Ian all along. Klaus killed Ian," Elijah explained. "How old is she?" Jackson asked. Marcel busted out laughing causing Elijah and Hayley to look at him with amused, raised eyebrows. "She was born in 1863. She is our half-sister," Elijah said looking at us fighting. We were still throwing blow for blow. "How when both of your parents are dead?" Jackson asked. "Our mother's blood was used to create a back-up hybrid because the doppelganger's bloodline that was used to make Niklaus' curse was pissed. She used our mother's blood to create one. Katerina Patrova, the doppelganger that outwitted my brother turned her and killed her mother. Katerina didn't know it at the time but she had also turned the poor girl's father and uncle. Damon and Stefan Salvatore still live in Mystic Falls, pining over the girl that is the new doppelganger," Elijah explained. "Your family has too much shit going on," Jackson growled. "Welcome to it," Marcel said throwing his hands up. We had finally stopped fighting but I had ended up on top. My eyes glowed fiercely. The contacts that I had worn had disintegrated because of the venom pulsing through my eyes. "She beat him," Hayley said shocked. It got Marcel and Elijah to look back. "Stay away from him Klaus. You owe me a child," I growled into his face. He was scared. I could tell that he was scared. "Protect Hayley and the child. I will do my best to protect her and offer services as need be. She will not come to harm if I have anything to do with it," I said lowly. "You have killed my son. One day you will know how that feels should anyone ever harm that baby," I said getting up off of him.

I turned to look at Hayley and I was by her side immediately. She stared me in the face. "You are a brave wolf. Do take care of that child and yourself. Above all else, trust only yourself when it comes to protecting that baby. Klaus doesn't know what to do and will never be fully trusting with his emotions. Watch your back Hayley. This family has many enemies," I said. She looked at me. "What is your name?" she asked. I smiled. "Tala Moonlight Flemming Salvatore," I said. Elijah laughed. "You added the name?" he asked. "Yes, I thought that my father deserved that much," I said. "Tala means wolf, fitting," Marcel said. Jackson was standing there staring at my face. He didn't know that my eyes were two different colors. "Scared of me Jackson?" I asked coming closer to him. "I...What is... your eyes?" he tried to make a full statement but couldn't. "I won't ever hurt you Jackson. I am your mate," I whispered. He stared at me. "Why are your eyes like that?" he asked. I took that as a meaning that he would never accept me so I immediately shifted. It shocked them all.

"She is really rare," Jackson breathed. Werewolves were usually gray, black, white, brown, or a red color. My fur was a mud brown with white spots covering my hips, my tail was white and brown with raccoon-like rings around it. I was very usual and the two markings that made me stand out the most were on my left front shoulder and left back hip. I strode over to Jackson and rubbed up against his legs. "House dog," Klaus muttered. I looked up at him and pulled my lips up a little bit. He would lose a fight against me. I trotted upstairs and changed back into human form. I quickly threw some clothes on but before I could get done Hayley was at the door.

Observing as usual, she had seen my emotions. "I want to give you the pack. I know that you and Jackson will take care of them," she said. I stared at her. "We will have to wait until the next full moon," I stated. She nodded and disappeared. In her place was Jackson. I sighed and he came in and shut the door behind him. "So you're a mother?" he asked. I laughed. "Out of everything you ask me about my children?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Who was he too you?" he asked. "He was once an alpha to the pack in Alabama. I don't know how he is still alive, but werewolves do possess that ability. He was clouded by rage during the 40's," I said. Jackson sat in a chair making himself comfortable. I sat cross-legged on the bed. "Tell me your story," he whispered. "As long as you tell me yours," I said smiling. "Mine isn't as exciting as yours," he said laughing. "I love you already Jackson. Today isn't the first time we've met," I whispered. He stared at me in shock. "This is my story," I started. He sat and listened patiently.

 He sat and listened patiently

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