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Reagan's pov

I'm in love. I'm completely on love with a boy. He was my best friend from the beginning, now I want him to stay forever. forever is forever.

Cameron Alexander Dallas is the boy I will love forever.

That boy Cameron has helped me through so much. But today is the day of Tegan's funeral. Cameron has made me think of only good things about today. He has put me into a better place, of were I was before. I thought there was no hope without Tegan.

We walked into the church where the ceremony is being held ( authors note* idk everything about a funeral sorry if I'm wrong)

There was so many people. Rows of people from school, even her family. my mother obviously didn't come because she's too busy. Fuck her Tegan cared about me.

Tristan came. he thought Tegan was pretty amazing.

Cameron and I walked in holding hands. There was 3 open seats next to Nash sitting set to Nash was his dad chad, Hayes, and Will. sitting next to Will was Will's girlfriend. We were in the 2nd row. The first row was mainly Tegan's family. The (church guy) talked and we all said a prayer for Tegan. The ceremony was done. we all had to follow the line of cars that was being police escorted to were Tegan is being buried. All 3 of use rode together following Behind Chad's car. I didn't know who was behind us. I was bawling in the car. I was just so sad. I didn't want to go threw this all over again.

We got to the cemetery.

"Do I have to get out. this is so sad I don't want to do this." I said to both of the boys.

"Babe, you can do it. I know can you are very stroung." Cameron said as he got out of the car. He went on my side to open my door and took me by the hand and walked me to were Tegan was being buried.

30 mins later*

The 2nd part if the ceremony wasn't as long as I expected it to be. But it was very emotional. I started to cry when they lowered the coffin in the dug out dirt, hole. Nash came up beside Cameron and I. Nash started to rub my back and comfort me. Well it wasn't like Cameron wasn't doing that but Cameron let Nash and I both cry together. Nash and I were both closest to Tegan. But Nash was a lot closer to her.

Everyone that attended the funeral had an option to go to Tegan's favorite restaurant and eat afterward. We went.

Tristan was the driver.

"Wait Reagan dont open your door. I want to let you out like a gentlemen." Cameron said with a smile.

I just sat there waiting for Cameron to get out of the car and open my door. It took him a second to open the door. Tristan was already out of the car and I was just sitting there.

Cameron finally came to the car. He opened the door and said

"Did you miss me." as he took my hand.

"Mhhh maybe." I said with a smirk.

We walked up to Tegan's favorite restaurant Marichcas an Italian restaurant.

I loved Marichcas. when I was little my father would always take me there. I loved there poor boys. They were delicious. Tegan and I never went here and at together, but she would always talk about this place. I bet Nash and Tegan had a couple of dates here.

We all walked in to see a sign that said

"Tegan's room."

I really don't know why it said that but we guess that it was the room we were suppose to go to.

We walked down the short halls.

"What would you do if I died?" Tristan said.

"You know what Tristan. I don't want you to ever talk like that. Ever. Because I won't have anyone except Cameron, and mom. I would also die with you. Tristan I love you. dont ever say that." I told him with a frown.

Cameron patted Tristan on the back.

We walked into the room. Not very many people were there.

"We are early right?" Cameron said as he looked at his phone.

"Uh. Ya we must be." I said.

"Ya you guys are early." Tegan's mother said.

"Yes. And I'm sure there will be more people. Because wow there was a lot of people at the 1st and 2nd ceremony." Tristan said to Tegan's mother.

"Ya we had quite a turn out. You guys can take a seat." Tegan's mother said.

We started to walk to an empty full table with lots of chairs. There was going to be more people here.

5 mins later*

Nash walked in with chad, Hayes, and Will, and Will's girlfriend. They talked to Tegan's mother for awhile and they all came over to sit by us.

After awhile of sitting there and talking Tegan's mom announced that the food will be out in 15 mins. It was a buffet. Tegan had a lot of favorite foods here so why not have all of them.

I saw Nash lean over to Cameron and whisper something in his ear. After I saw Nash turn the other way so I could see his face a little more. it looked like he was crying or he still is. I don't blame him. He was in love with Tegan.

It was around 8:30 ish p.m and we decided to leave.

I was so full and tired if crying. Uh the speeches really got me too. Uh I was crying so hard. Well basically everyone was crying.

I hopped into the car.

Tristan was driving and Cameron got in the backseat with me.

"I love you babe." he said cuddling up next to me in the car.

Tristan started the car, and be gain to drive.

It was about a 1hr and 30 mins drive back home.

"I love you too babe." I told Cameron.

"No I really mean it. Reagan I love you. No words can describe my

Love for you. I know I sound stupid right now but Reagan, it's true I'm in love with you." Cameron said popping out a ring carrier.

"I'm in love with you. It's all the same for me your the love of my life." I told him. I watched him open the ring carrier. I side was a beautiful ruby red promise ring.

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