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Reagan's Pov

Tegan and I lefted the mall leaving the boys. I told cam i'd see him tonight at 7.
I got an outfit for tonight.
Tegan told me that she talked to Nash about them and now there trying to go public but not on social media sites. I was happy for them.
I even asked Tegan to help out with Tristan's party.
She said she would love to help me.

I was finally at home it was about 4:56 and I didn't have that long enough time to get ready so sucks for me that I couldn't sit down and watch tv. but I made my way up stairs.
I saw my mom.
She was actually home.
That's the first.
We exchanged hi's and smiles, and than didn't say anything else.
I made my way to my room with my bag with my new outfit.
I decided to get in the shower.
I had to smell good for Cameron.

5 mind later.

I dried my hair.
Than laid out my outfit and took off the tags.
I got a plain black cami, and a Really cute maroon and gold shirt that said "when you fall, there's not always someone there to pick you up."
With dark little rips (here and there) skinny jeans.
I turned on my curler. and while I waiting for it to heat up I turn on my music and bound 2 came on.
I did my make up.
I put on some eyeliner and cover up mainly.
Than I started to curl my hair.
After I was done trying to perfect my hair, I got out my black vans. just plain and simple. I put my glasses on because I did not want to put my contacts in.
To much work.
My glasses gave a god taste to my outfit for the date tonight.
It was about 6:30.
Cameron was probably on his wat.
So I laid on my bed waiting for Cameron.
The song "you and I." by one direction came on. I loved that song so much.
I was playing flappy bird on my phone.
Uhhh I fuckin hated that game.but yet it was so addicting.
My best was 18.
Jack J texted me a screenshot of his highs score on flappy bird. it was like 113. O
Holy shit.
R: teach my your ways ;)
I only have 18. You butt butt.

J: uh no it's secret. shhhh

Jack j was so funny. he was a cute little jack.
I was still waiting for Cameron huh? I wonder where he's at?

I texted him
R: babe where are you it's 7:00 now. I love you hope your ok :)

I didn't get an answer. but someone knocked on my door.

Ohh that's probably Cameron.
I was so excited for tonight.
I got my black fuzzy north face and looked in the mirror one more time and ran out of my room door and quickly opened the door.
It wasn't Cameron
It was Carter.
"Oh hey Carter!"
"Uh hi. you need to come outside follow me."
"Um ok?" what's going on.
"Is Cameron ok?"
"Ya Cameron's fine."
I walked out if my house there was roses all over the sidewalk. even leading down the road.
"Carter? what's this. where's Cameron?"
"Your fine your fine. just follow me. promise."
I settled down. followed behind carter. he lead me down the road. I tried to not walk all over the roses. next I saw jack g leaning on a nice car. didn't know if it was his or?
"Now what's going on?"
I was very confused.
"Now I will leave you to your next place." carter said.
Carter walked back to wherever his car was or something.
"Ok. as you know Cameron isn't here. He's somewhere but, not here. you have to guess where he is or we can show you."
"Uh I guess you can show me?"
"No not me we."
"Um ok??"
I looked at jack g's car it had notes all over it.
"I love you Reagan."
"Come find me."
Just little playful things.
There was one that said "count 23 steps on each foot. maybe you'll find me. maybe not."
"Well than."
Jack g followed me down 23 steps with each feet. than we saw Matthew, Hayes, Aaron, and shawn.
"You guys."
Jack g started to walk back to his car and jack began to yell "he really loves you Reagan."

I'm totally blushing hardcore
Cameron loves me.
I knew that but
"Ok." all the boys said in sync.
"Ya? I'm really confused on what's going on." I told the boys.
Jack j pops out of the bush, because that's jack j for you.
"Cameron might be close but, you have to hop in da car." jack j said.
"Ya just follow us." Matthew said.
We were like literally by Matthew's car.
Shawn opened the car door for me.
Matthew was driving jack j was in the passenger seat and Hayes was sitting on the left of me and Aaron on the right if me and Shawn was in the back. awww
I felt bad.
There was an audio of Cameron's voice
"Reagan this song is for you I love you."
And Cameron started singing.
I guess he made a cd?
He's so cute and cheesy.
The boys started singing along to the song.
It was quit a ride.
We ended up town by a very nice restaurant called "taste of Italy."
Jack j got out if the car and opened the right side of me and Aaron got out for me. I was stopped by the door from Taylor and handed me 7 roses.
There was a note that said
"Walk to Nash. he'll show you the way."
So I walked in. Nash was standing right there.
"Hey." I said.
He smiled and said
"Follow me cam might be in here."
Yay he might be in there.
We went threw some double doors. Nash held them for me.
I saw Cameron sitting at a table. he looked flawless.
Nice music was playing in the background
Cameron saw me and started to smile.
"Hey babe."
When I saw him I went straight to him and I told him to stand up to he could hold me in his arms.
So we hugged. I nestled my head into his chest and said
"I love you too cam. your the most amazing boyfriend ever. I will always love you. no matter what is to come."
I let go. he started to smile. I sat in my spot. Someone walked in.
It was Taylor.
He had a menu in one hand and a flower in the other.
He handed me the flower and gave Cameron and I both menus.
"What's with all the flowers?"
I asked.
"Well since your middle name is rose and you said you like flowers I thought you would love them."
"Aww baby I love them. your the sweetest."
"So what are you getting?" I asked cameron.
"Uh probably some pasta with red sauce and meatballs. Rea you can have whatever you want."
"Uh i don't know i'll probably end up getting pasta with white sauce, and garlic bread."
"Whoaaaa that sounds good."
Nash walked out with a paper and pen. he took our menus and told us to tell him his order so he can tell the cook.
Oh god.
I wonder who the cook is. I hope it's the real cook not anyone else. I really hope it's not jack j. he might burn something. actually I wonder if jack j's a good cook?

Cameron and I talked and giggled. shared things and Matthew brought out the food.
"Made by the best. Not from any of the boys promise." Matthew said while walking away.
Cameron and I had a nice time eating, talking having fun at dinner. it was one of the best nights ever.
We were both finally done with dinner. and both stuffed.
All the boys walked out and said "you better thank us and clap for us." we both started to laugh.
Everyone started to clap and laugh. than they left.
"This was the best night ever cameron."
"Really I planned everything for you."
"Aww your amazing."
it was getting late and Cameron and I both put on our jackets and we left.
"Oh by the way you look very beautiful."
Cameron said.
"Cam you said that like 20x but thanks."
He held the door open for me and we hopped into cam's car.
We were talking and listing to music and Cameron dropped me off at my house.
"I love you beautiful see you. I'll text you."
He said. I gave him a kiss before I got out of the car. I opened the door and walked in. Cameron drove off.
That was the best date ever.

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